I'm Moving!!!

Well I figured it's time to let the cat outta the bag here on the forums, I'm leaving Commiefornia and going to Texas for a job. I'll be landing in Texas some time in August or Sept and I'll be living in Denton, Texas; it's looks like I'll have to put in some fishing and cigar smoking on the weekends, oh darn.
A few questions for the Texas BOTL's:
1. Is there any good B&M's in either Denton, Dallas or Fort Worth?
2. Any authentic mexican food places that I need to try, preferably a hole in the wall and with a name that ends in -erto's (Roberto's, Alberto's, Rigoberto's?)
3. Any other food that I'll need to make a pilgrimage to try?
4. Is there enough guys in that area to get a Texas Herf going some time in the fall?
A few questions for the Texas BOTL's:
1. Is there any good B&M's in either Denton, Dallas or Fort Worth?
2. Any authentic mexican food places that I need to try, preferably a hole in the wall and with a name that ends in -erto's (Roberto's, Alberto's, Rigoberto's?)
3. Any other food that I'll need to make a pilgrimage to try?
4. Is there enough guys in that area to get a Texas Herf going some time in the fall?
2) Pulidos
3) There is a bbq shack in Stephenville that is to die for.
4) count me in!
There is an Italian rest. near or in Frisco that is family ran and owned. Can't think of the name right now but I will ask and get back to you. BBQ spot you gotta check out is Salt Lick. They have 3 locations in or around Austin Tx. I'm not sure if you watch the Travel Channel but Man vs. Food did a spot on Salt Lick and a few other places in Tx. They were all great (been to most of them) and I would def. recommend checking them out. Sorry I don't remember how to put in links & feeling kinda lazy to look them up right now.....but check out Man vs. food clips on youtube or travel channel. Just like Cali there are a million & 1 different places to eat. Why did I move back to Michigan?
Oh....we dont have In N Out here!
Welcome to TEXAS Garen!
But hey if you like being out doors and near fresh water...hunt, fish, camp etc. Michigan is the place for you. Sadly I don't like doing much of that.
I wish you the best.