Wrapper's contribution to cigar flavor
Interesting article on the wrapper:filler ratio of a cigar and how it affects flavor:
another way to see this is by smoking a shaggy where the filler sticks out way beyond the wrapper. there is a decided change between with and without.
if you dont mind potentially ruining a cigar you can remove part of the wrapper and see what that does.
the Fuente 8-5-8 has a maduro a candela and a natural wrapper. they have very similar fillers. smoke those three.
the JdN Antano and the JdN Celebracion and the JdN Antano Dark Corojo have almost the same fillers just a different wrapper. you can tell quite a bit on those.
the problem with the first chart on the above link is that they take into account the entire surface area of the wrapper and the entire volume of the filler when calculating the wrapper to filler ratio.
the problem with doing this is that you are not smoking the entire cigar all at once. you are only smokeing the part that is lit. this is why i calculate my wrapper to filler differently. the length of the cigar has very little to do with how much of the cigar you are tasting at any given moment. the only par that matters is the part that is giving off smoke.
in general, the math he is doing is correct and we ultimately come to the same conclusions. we just chose to make different assumptions and start from very different places.