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are all cigar boxes made of of spanish cedar?

asianbiker8asianbiker8 Posts: 551
Going to build a coolidor and wanted to make sure I can use only old cigar boxes instead of buying extra planks.


  • RhamlinRhamlin Posts: 9,084 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hmm good question, Im not sure I just assume any wood box is Spanish cedar or at least lined with it.
  • scarlinscarlin Posts: 1,592
    For the most part they are all Spanish cedar. Some boxes aren't completely made of spanish cedar, but basically have a Spanish cedar box inside a nicer wood (Mahogany, Teak, ...).
  • spindriftspindrift Posts: 818 ✭✭
    Most are only lined or sleeved with cedar...One example is a My Father box...Looks great, but it is painted pressboard with a nice sticker...They include a sheet of the cedar to help age and stabilize the sticks...Look very carefully at the box for signs that it is ply or press...Good luck....
  • asianbiker8asianbiker8 Posts: 551
    May be best if I get some planks? Or do you guys think the liners inside the boxes will be enough?
  • asianbiker8:
    May be best if I get some planks? Or do you guys think the liners inside the boxes will be enough?

    I guess my question would be...enough for what? If you want the smell, youll need planks for sure. If you want moisture control, I wouldn't worry about that as most of it is handled by your beads etc...What properties of the wood were you looking to use the most?
  • asianbiker8asianbiker8 Posts: 551
    I guess a bit of cedar smell. The boxes should be enough then I think. Had it in my head that the cedar helped absorb excess moisture.
  • asianbiker8:
    I guess a bit of cedar smell. The boxes should be enough then I think. Had it in my head that the cedar helped absorb excess moisture.

    What you had in your head was definitely correct, they help absorb/regulate moisture.....but beads do it better IMO. I toss a few planks in each cooler for smell...works like a charm and I get whatever small benefit of moisture regulation that plank gives me BONUS!
  • asianbiker8asianbiker8 Posts: 551
    Cool, thanks for the advice!
  • JDHJDH Posts: 2,107
    May be best if I get some planks? Or do you guys think the liners inside the boxes will be enough?
    Cuban Crafters sells replacement spanish cedar trays for their humidors. Check to see if they will fit your application.
  • dowjr1dowjr1 Posts: 600
    Yes Cedar is for smell and a little bit of humidity buffering/control. Beads are the real tool for moisture content regulation.
  • docbp87docbp87 Posts: 3,521
    The only cedar in my cooler is from boxes that I have in there (meaning full boxes of cigars that I have bought)... probably half of the cigars in my cooler are either in cardboard or plastic bags, and I have no problems. The beads handle everything as far as humidity goes. I'm not a believer that the wood plays as big a role in aging as some think (the reason that I have bought a lot of good, aged cigars in cardboard packs rather than pay the same for younger cigars in cabs or dress boxes).
  • asianbiker8asianbiker8 Posts: 551
    Good to know. The cigar boxes that you put in your cooler, do you take the tops off?
  • Shaun.Harrison87Shaun.Harrison87 Posts: 1,971
    Good to know. The cigar boxes that you put in your cooler, do you take the tops off?
    ==>I did a combination of both on mine. I tool 3-4 small boxes and took the tops off but the boxes of cigars I have bought full I just put the clear dots on the corners so the box has some ventilation and doesnt sit fully closed
  • JDHJDH Posts: 2,107
    Good to know. The cigar boxes that you put in your cooler, do you take the tops off?
    ==>I did a combination of both on mine. I tool 3-4 small boxes and took the tops off but the boxes of cigars I have bought full I just put the clear dots on the corners so the box has some ventilation and doesnt sit fully closed
    "...I just put the clear dots on the corners so the box has some ventilation..."?????? I'm not familiar with the clear dots. I've always wondered if new boxes should be put in the humidor closed or opened for long term storage.
  • Shaun.Harrison87Shaun.Harrison87 Posts: 1,971
    Good to know. The cigar boxes that you put in your cooler, do you take the tops off?
    ==>I did a combination of both on mine. I tool 3-4 small boxes and took the tops off but the boxes of cigars I have bought full I just put the clear dots on the corners so the box has some ventilation and doesnt sit fully closed
    "...I just put the clear dots on the corners so the box has some ventilation..."?????? I'm not familiar with the clear dots. I've always wondered if new boxes should be put in the humidor closed or opened for long term storage.
    Ideally they would be the cabinet boxes if you are doing long-term storage and not the dress boxes, but those aren't usually an option unless the cigars are CCs. Here at the clear dots I was referencing http://www.homedepot.com/Tools-Hardware-Hardware-Fasteners-Casters-Glides/h_d1/N-5yc1vZaskq/R-100158817/h_d2/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053 They are like that, but the ones I use are clear, with the texture of hardened hot glue...either should work fine but I didn't want mine very noticeable.
  • JDHJDH Posts: 2,107
    Good to know. The cigar boxes that you put in your cooler, do you take the tops off?
    ==>I did a combination of both on mine. I tool 3-4 small boxes and took the tops off but the boxes of cigars I have bought full I just put the clear dots on the corners so the box has some ventilation and doesnt sit fully closed
    "...I just put the clear dots on the corners so the box has some ventilation..."?????? I'm not familiar with the clear dots. I've always wondered if new boxes should be put in the humidor closed or opened for long term storage.
    Ideally they would be the cabinet boxes if you are doing long-term storage and not the dress boxes, but those aren't usually an option unless the cigars are CCs. Here at the clear dots I was referencing http://www.homedepot.com/Tools-Hardware-Hardware-Fasteners-Casters-Glides/h_d1/N-5yc1vZaskq/R-100158817/h_d2/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053 They are like that, but the ones I use are clear, with the texture of hardened hot glue...either should work fine but I didn't want mine very noticeable.
    Excellent! Good idea. Thanks!
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