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Irishman Brett smells like Poo!

danielzreyesdanielzreyes Posts: 8,771 ✭✭✭✭✭
I mean Irish Brett is the man! (Damn auto correct). He hooked me up with some goodies right here. I've always wanted to try a Left Hand brew. Check it biznacheesies. Oh! Plus. .... he threw in an Amy Jo Johnson smoke! Thanks again Broleaf Clover!
photo 20150406_164358.jpg
"It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR


  • 90+_Irishman90+_Irishman Posts: 12,409 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for the SS Brokowski and for being such an OG Brother to us all, hope you enjoy bro that is right up there as my fav beer ;)
    "When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
  • ExpendableYouthExpendableYouth Posts: 2,106 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Beer and an Opus, that is a good night.
  • PatrickbrickPatrickbrick Posts: 8,026 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nicely done Brett, very classy.
    "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give".  Winston Churchill.
    MOW badge received.
  • CrouseferCrousefer Posts: 445 ✭✭
    That's is some upscale love right there!
  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Posts: 2,652 ✭✭✭✭
    Always room for Opus, great hit Brett
  • allsmokedupallsmokedup Posts: 751 ✭✭
    Hah, great power Ranger reference. Left hand milk stout is pretty good too, is you get the chance to try it
  • mmccartneydcmmccartneydc Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭
    Nice job Brett! Much deserved Daniel!
  • danielzreyesdanielzreyes Posts: 8,771 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hah, great power Ranger reference. Left hand milk stout is pretty good too, is you get the chance to try it
    lol I was wondering if anyone got that
    "It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR
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