One Strange Stubble

A few of us got together for a Texas herf yesterday, and onestrangeone and Stubble thought they would use the occasion to smack me around.

Nathan hit me and my friend Bill with a couple of great bombs. I can't wait to try the Anejo which is from 2010.

Steve hit me with some Elijah Craig which we dived into immediately. Nice drop!

Steve was also handing out Jericho Hills like they were going out of fashion. Oh and Randy was causing trouble with Dirty Rats all over my house. More pics of what we smoked are in the General thread if you're interested.
A good time was had by all. Thanks guys!

Nathan hit me and my friend Bill with a couple of great bombs. I can't wait to try the Anejo which is from 2010.

Steve hit me with some Elijah Craig which we dived into immediately. Nice drop!

Steve was also handing out Jericho Hills like they were going out of fashion. Oh and Randy was causing trouble with Dirty Rats all over my house. More pics of what we smoked are in the General thread if you're interested.
A good time was had by all. Thanks guys!
Don't let Brad fool you, he was passing out sticks too...
Thanks for the hospitality Brad!!