
Seems I have been called out on my verbal diarrhea, some people are so touchy. Received a package from MTEnterprises and inside was a threatening note.

Ah, Rick's Godfather Elmo has made me an offer I can't refuse as I dis'd a member of this Sesame St gang. Guess when you run with the big dogs you can't pee like a puppy, warning heeded. You know I've been talking **** so long this **** don't taste bad at all, thanks Mike.

Ah, Rick's Godfather Elmo has made me an offer I can't refuse as I dis'd a member of this Sesame St gang. Guess when you run with the big dogs you can't pee like a puppy, warning heeded. You know I've been talking **** so long this **** don't taste bad at all, thanks Mike.

George my friend, you are honorable dude. Not only did he accept the penalty, but he also accepted me taking a little vacation time before I shipped his end of our fiver. Thank you Sir for being a stand up guy. And for that your fiver +, ships tomorrow. I'm back home from my vacation trip. Hope you enjoy the gift and thank you for your humor and what you bring to the forum.
Lol, oh a wiseguy
Keep my mouth shut, probably not, lol.
Hope you had a good vacation Rick, you will be happy to know I have been put in my place. For now. Reminds me of Al Capone going to Florida before the St Valentine's day massacre, vacationing while the target gets blown to crap, lol. Look forward to the fiver and future dances. I know a man of your integrity will only send 5, a deal is a deal.
Stop telling them what I do
At some point you have to realize that some people like getting bashed over the head on the regular basis. And the best thing you can do for them after you've bashed them so many times is, pray for them. Plus you have to have selective reading when dealing with him. For example, he will say nice things on a regular basis and then go on a three or four month bug out period. You just have to wait until that period is over and he'll be back to normal. See George, it's just like work. You have to know your people and environment
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
Geez I thought that was normal for Brett, lol. For the record he has helped me out a lot, a good BOTL and so generous. That's why I threw him under da bus, it's what we do right?
Brett's an awesome dude, please don't mistaken my literature. He knows his time is almost up before his mailbox and front door go kaboom. We have had many battles and I'm sure we will have many more. But soon, he will say Mercy....
Ray don't fall for the trap. He's trying to bring you down with him, lol.
HI RICK!!!! Oh Ricky your so fine your so fine you blow my mind hey Ricky *clap clap* hey Ricky * clap clap*
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
I think my problem is I don't think, you think?
I think Rick likes to oil you up with a lick and a promise before he violates you, with extreme prejudice. It's time to worry when you 2 start playing nice. That's what I think, lol.