
Sorry for this rant in advance but crooks make me mad as hell.
I'm a sucker for a great charity, especially for kids and our troops. No matter your politics no veteran should be homeless, hungry or be waiting for or denied healthcare. A lot of my giving back to troops is direct (breaks my heart to see all the veterans I see in need) but do donate to some charities as well.
Just learned only 59% donated toWounded Warrior Project goes to the troops. How can these people sleep? Will never see another red cent from me. I will be looking into the Green Beret Foundation as well as others.
I'm a sucker for a great charity, especially for kids and our troops. No matter your politics no veteran should be homeless, hungry or be waiting for or denied healthcare. A lot of my giving back to troops is direct (breaks my heart to see all the veterans I see in need) but do donate to some charities as well.
Just learned only 59% donated toWounded Warrior Project goes to the troops. How can these people sleep? Will never see another red cent from me. I will be looking into the Green Beret Foundation as well as others.
I use charitynavigator a lot when I donate.
And don't forget to include the perks those folks accept as their rightful due.
You can google all this info, folks. Just be sure you have a strong stomach when you do 'cause it'll make you sick.....
Truly doing the most good
The inventory Goodwill sells is all donated so it costs him nothing. He pays extremely low wages to his employees and pockets the rest. I won't donate a dime to Goodwill - only to the Salvation Army.
The following link will take you to truthorfiction dot com and the actual skinny on the charities and how they spend their money. It's more reasonable in terms of percentage but IMHO some of the CEOs still receive salaries that are unconscionable:
Not saying your info is wrong, or arguing or anything, that's just what happened for us. I wouldn't hesitate to support them in any way.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
A 501(c)3 charity is a non-profit charitible corporation. By law, it can make all the profit it wants to make. It just can't distribute that profit in the form of dividends, etc. to stockholders. It must keep the profits to be used for whatever charitible purpose the corporation was formed.
In order for it to continue to exist and operate, it obviously must be run as a business. This includes making a profit.
501(c)3 organizations in general are required to file tax returns that disclose, among other things, inflows and expenses as well as salaries of key personnel. That's how Charity Navigator gets more of the information they use for their ratings. Churches, temples, mosques and other religious organizations--of which the Salvation Army is one--are exempt from having to file tax returns. So, unless these organizations voluntarily report this information themselves (or someone within the organization leaks it), there's no way of knowing what percentage of profits or donations are devoted to program expenses vs. administration and fundraising.
When I donate I want to help the cause not make the administrators richer. I'm sure they have done great things. But getting rich in the process makes a crook
This is not to be personal, and as I said I don't know whether they're crooks or not, but suppose you had it on your heart to go and work for WWP... would you, or could you, do it on less than you make driving truck?
If I thought I'd be effective I would. By the time you figure cost of living on the road you would be suprised how little a driver actually makes for what he or she gives up by being away from family and friends.
I will just focus my attention to smaller outfits that have much lower overhead.