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This is a great video - Chevy Volt - Building A Better Tomorrow

jj20030jj20030 Posts: 5,804 ✭✭✭✭✭


  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    F-cked up video. My neighbor just got a volt a bit ago actually, loves it. Hasn't caught on fire yet. Not sure what that video is all about but spreading some dis-information.
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    Baa ha ha ha ha!!!!! That's awesome!
  • jsnakejsnake Posts: 5,979 ✭✭✭✭✭
    LMAO that was great.
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    F-cked up video. My neighbor just got a volt a bit ago actually, loves it. Hasn't caught on fire yet. Not sure what that video is all about but spreading some dis-information.
    I hear Obama has a website where you can anonymously report disinformation and those who spread lies against el presidente. As Obama is fond of saying "Anyone who disagree's with me, about gas prices or the economic recovery, is either lying or doesn't know what they're talking about"
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    F-cked up video. My neighbor just got a volt a bit ago actually, loves it. Hasn't caught on fire yet. Not sure what that video is all about but spreading some dis-information.
    I hear Obama has a website where you can anonymously report disinformation and those who spread lies against el presidente. As Obama is fond of saying "Anyone who disagree's with me, about gas prices or the economic recovery, is either lying or doesn't know what they're talking about"
    we'll go with the latter. and for gas, we'll if your in the camp of "need to open up more wells here" then definitely. However if it was nationalized then yes. I personally think that let the gas prices go to what the rest of the world pays, like Europe. Then there would be some real change in the way we as the US use energy. Why we continue to be abused by the oil industry is beyond insane.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Its both sad and unfortunate how many people want "their way" to a degree that even wishing ill on others and ultimate failure is preferred.
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    F-cked up video. My neighbor just got a volt a bit ago actually, loves it. Hasn't caught on fire yet. Not sure what that video is all about but spreading some dis-information.
    I hear Obama has a website where you can anonymously report disinformation and those who spread lies against el presidente. As Obama is fond of saying "Anyone who disagree's with me, about gas prices or the economic recovery, is either lying or doesn't know what they're talking about"
    we'll go with the latter. and for gas, we'll if your in the camp of "need to open up more wells here" then definitely. However if it was nationalized then yes. I personally think that let the gas prices go to what the rest of the world pays, like Europe. Then there would be some real change in the way we as the US use energy. Why we continue to be abused by the oil industry is beyond insane.
    So long as it comes from US oil wells and goes to US gas stations, I don't care who brings it out of the ground or where the profits go; I'm with you there
    Its both sad and unfortunate how many people want "their way" to a degree that even wishing ill on others and ultimate failure is preferred.
    Do it without taxpayer subsidies and I wish you all the luck in the world; do it with my money, and the sooner it fails, the less taxpayer money is wasted.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    I personally think that let the gas prices go to what the rest of the world pays, like Europe. Then there would be some real change in the way we as the US use energy. Why we continue to be abused by the oil industry is beyond insane.
    thats the idea!!
    Dont try to fix the problem or bring any profits/jobs here!
    just make it worse for everyone!
    that is an awesome idea.

  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    As someone who used to work for a GM dealer ... GM was going into a bit of a panic mode on sales of the Volt by Dec 2011. All Chevy dealers had a demo they were not supposed to sell for 6 months but use as a demo vehicle to order off of and let customers test drive . With a less than expected embrace from customers and negative publicity about fires and sales quickly going down the proverbial drain , GM told all Chevy dealers they were free to sell the demo's immediatly and they would give the dealers an extra $1500.00 Dealer cash to move them . The dealer could choose to pass the $1500 along to customers as a incentive or keep it for themselves as profit ... their choice .

    Personally I would not have one of them but thats just me . I have driven one as a GM Dealer employee and don't like the feel or performance , AND at 42,000 plus depending on how equiped. You can buy the Chevrolet Cruze Echo and are much better off for about $20,000 less and its rated at 42 miles per gallon and is bigger and more roomy interior and is a much prettier car IMHO . $20,000 thats a lot of gas right there. Just sayin ...
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Profits and Jobs.....Money and Interest-----Sad state we are in when these are primary ideals in this country.
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    Profits and Jobs.....Money and Interest-----Sad state we are in when these are primary ideals in this country.
    Profits and Jobs have created the most powerful country the world has ever seen; misplaced concern for "the proletariat" has led to the 20th's centuries greatest human rights abuses.

    Ever notice how the biggest monsters - Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Castro, Chavez, Mao Zedong, Guevara, Kim - all said they were trying to "protect the working man" and in the process, slaughtered millions of people?

    I've yet to see someone advocating Capitalist principles order the extermination of dissenters, but I see it an awful lot from people saying they wanna protect the poor and working classes.

  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    Profits and Jobs.....Money and Interest-----Sad state we are in when these are primary ideals in this country.
    Profits and Jobs have created the most powerful country the world has ever seen; misplaced concern for "the proletariat" has led to the 20th's centuries greatest human rights abuses.

    Ever notice how the biggest monsters - Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Castro, Chavez, Mao Zedong, Guevara, Kim - all said they were trying to "protect the working man" and in the process, slaughtered millions of people?

    I've yet to see someone advocating Capitalist principles order the extermination of dissenters, but I see it an awful lot from people saying they wanna protect the poor and working classes.

    Best damn statement ever.

  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Profits and Jobs.....Money and Interest-----Sad state we are in when these are primary ideals in this country.
    Profits and Jobs have created the most powerful country the world has ever seen; misplaced concern for "the proletariat" has led to the 20th's centuries greatest human rights abuses.

    Ever notice how the biggest monsters - Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Castro, Chavez, Mao Zedong, Guevara, Kim - all said they were trying to "protect the working man" and in the process, slaughtered millions of people?

    I've yet to see someone advocating Capitalist principles order the extermination of dissenters, but I see it an awful lot from people saying they wanna protect the poor and working classes.

    lol, no they just do it quietly.. and Hitler and Stalin never were for the poor or working man. They were all about power and control. Capitalism doesn't work, hasn't worked, and won't work. It's a myth.
  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    Profits and Jobs have created the most powerful country the world has ever seen; misplaced concern for "the proletariat" has led to the 20th's centuries greatest human rights abuses.

    Ever notice how the biggest monsters - Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Castro, Chavez, Mao Zedong, Guevara, Kim - all said they were trying to "protect the working man" and in the process, slaughtered millions of people?

    I've yet to see someone advocating Capitalist principles order the extermination of dissenters, but I see it an awful lot from people saying they wanna protect the poor and working classes.

    lol, no they just do it quietly.. and Hitler and Stalin never were for the poor or working man. They were all about power and control. Capitalism doesn't work, hasn't worked, and won't work. It's a myth.
    Seriously? Hitler and Stalin never claimed to be for the working man? I guess someone's skipped quite a few history lessons. Pre-WW2 Germany was in a huge economic crisis because of the international economy and the Treaty of Versailles, which ended WWI and punished Germany heavily, despite the fact that WWI was started by Austria-Hungary and secret alliances. In those days, the German mark was worth more as toilet paper than money. Hitler consolidated power by infusing bits of socialism, extreme nationalism, antisemitism, and his natural charisma. After the Reichstag fire, Hitler blamed the Communist Party and declared the **** party to be anti-communist in order to silence them and take them off the political map.

    After the demise of the Communist Party, he decided to create the German Labour Front by pooling all workers, unions, and company owners in one group. The German Labor Front set high wages, security of work, and made firing an employee almost impossible (sound familiar?).

    Stalin, however, commonly preached about the virtues of communism and through indoctrination, created a cult of personality. Throughout the power struggle between himself and Trotsky and throughout WWII, Stalin preached the doctrine of Marx and Lenin and claimed to always love the people and to be the champion of the "little man". One of his favorite titles was "The Architect of Communism". All those that identified themselves as anti-communist were executed or put into the gulags (if the "criminal" was too popular or powerful to execute). Between his gulags, executions, and mass famines caused by collective farming and nationalization of industry, his victims number in the millions.

    Also, how has capitalism never worked? Capitalism has transformed the US from a backwater group of colonies to one of the richest countries in the world up til the present (with the exception of the Great Depression). Modern economists say that the Great Depression was caused by lack of knowledge of the stock market, irresponsible investment, widespread panic (through sensational media), and the Federal Reserve. They even say that a lot of FDR's policies slowed down any hope of economic recovery until WW2.

    Also, if you're saying that socialism works, look at Europe and Russia.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Profits and Jobs have created the most powerful country the world has ever seen; misplaced concern for "the proletariat" has led to the 20th's centuries greatest human rights abuses.

    Ever notice how the biggest monsters - Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Castro, Chavez, Mao Zedong, Guevara, Kim - all said they were trying to "protect the working man" and in the process, slaughtered millions of people?

    I've yet to see someone advocating Capitalist principles order the extermination of dissenters, but I see it an awful lot from people saying they wanna protect the poor and working classes.

    lol, no they just do it quietly.. and Hitler and Stalin never were for the poor or working man. They were all about power and control. Capitalism doesn't work, hasn't worked, and won't work. It's a myth.
    Seriously? Hitler and Stalin never claimed to be for the working man? I guess someone's skipped quite a few history lessons. Pre-WW2 Germany was in a huge economic crisis because of the international economy and the Treaty of Versailles, which ended WWI and punished Germany heavily, despite the fact that WWI was started by Austria-Hungary and secret alliances. In those days, the German mark was worth more as toilet paper than money. Hitler consolidated power by infusing bits of socialism, extreme nationalism, antisemitism, and his natural charisma. After the Reichstag fire, Hitler blamed the Communist Party and declared the **** party to be anti-communist in order to silence them and take them off the political map.

    After the demise of the Communist Party, he decided to create the German Labour Front by pooling all workers, unions, and company owners in one group. The German Labor Front set high wages, security of work, and made firing an employee almost impossible (sound familiar?).

    Stalin, however, commonly preached about the virtues of communism and through indoctrination, created a cult of personality. Throughout the power struggle between himself and Trotsky and throughout WWII, Stalin preached the doctrine of Marx and Lenin and claimed to always love the people and to be the champion of the "little man". One of his favorite titles was "The Architect of Communism". All those that identified themselves as anti-communist were executed or put into the gulags (if the "criminal" was too popular or powerful to execute). Between his gulags, executions, and mass famines caused by collective farming and nationalization of industry, his victims number in the millions.

    Also, how has capitalism never worked? Capitalism has transformed the US from a backwater group of colonies to one of the richest countries in the world up til the present (with the exception of the Great Depression). Modern economists say that the Great Depression was caused by lack of knowledge of the stock market, irresponsible investment, widespread panic (through sensational media), and the Federal Reserve. They even say that a lot of FDR's policies slowed down any hope of economic recovery until WW2.

    Also, if you're saying that socialism works, look at Europe and Russia.
    Capitalism of the 50's is a lot different of the capitalism of today. Though true capitalism could work, though it would have to be a hybrid. If capitalism was really what this country had then all of those banks and corporations that took so much of our money in 2008 would have gone under, but no our govt gave them money. We have a type of state sponsored capitalism which the state funds a lot of the largest companies, thus subsides and all that. Say for example, nuclear facilities, those are hugely subsidized, in fact the govt has to insure them as no insurer will.

    True, Hitler used the people to gain power, he used them to get what he wanted, namely what the ****'s became. Dictator's often use the people as their way up in hard times, cause the masses are largely idiots and will follow any one that has a great speaking voice in the time of need. However sometimes good things happen out of ruin. Truth is no system will work, that is why no system is perfect. People ruin it.

    Capitalism, as you want to call it did not bring the best economy to the world, what brought this country to prominence was we came together as a NATION to win 2 massive wars and our people were able to make something great, that idea of a unified and fair work place. Sure it wasn't perfect, but people by and large were able to do great things. Now there is so much control of our legislation, our banks, even our workplaces that keep people from rising. Almost all of the "interest" is to keep those on top, on top. Even if they are failing. While the rest fail.
  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    Capitalism of the 50's is a lot different of the capitalism of today. Though true capitalism could work, though it would have to be a hybrid. If capitalism was really what this country had then all of those banks and corporations that took so much of our money in 2008 would have gone under, but no our govt gave them money. We have a type of state sponsored capitalism which the state funds a lot of the largest companies, thus subsides and all that. Say for example, nuclear facilities, those are hugely subsidized, in fact the govt has to insure them as no insurer will.

    True, Hitler used the people to gain power, he used them to get what he wanted, namely what the ****'s became. Dictator's often use the people as their way up in hard times, cause the masses are largely idiots and will follow any one that has a great speaking voice in the time of need. However sometimes good things happen out of ruin. Truth is no system will work, that is why no system is perfect. People ruin it.

    Capitalism, as you want to call it did not bring the best economy to the world, what brought this country to prominence was we came together as a NATION to win 2 massive wars and our people were able to make something great, that idea of a unified and fair work place. Sure it wasn't perfect, but people by and large were able to do great things. Now there is so much control of our legislation, our banks, even our workplaces that keep people from rising. Almost all of the "interest" is to keep those on top, on top. Even if they are failing. While the rest fail.
    What you're referring to as the "capitalism of today" isn't the same capitalism that brought the US to power. Free markets and capitalism made a bunch of agriculture-based colonies into an economic powerhouse (see 1800s til 1920's, then 1950's to 1980's). Common sense and free market would have dictated that the businesses and banks that could no longer adapt to its environment cease to exist. Instead, the government gave them bailouts, which lead to a kind of "soft nationalization" of those companies and banks (which is more of a socialist/communist or "government controlled economy" concept). This is because when the companies take bailouts, the government uses that as a way of influencing those businesses (see GM and Chrysler). That's also why some banks either refused or paid back the bailouts ASAP.

    Capitalism works because people work towards their own self interest and therefore better themselves -and- whoever they work for. What we have now is a government that is slowly and subtly nationalizing businesses, passes legislation that only benefits these puppet companies (see Fannie Mae, GM, Chrysler, etc), and passes other laws that affects other businesses in unpredictable ways. With a flurry of unpredictable changes and increasing regulations, businesses that aren't in cahoots with the government can only wait it out and see how things turn out before investing money in employees, training, equipment, etc.

    Also, your point about dictators is true. When there's a crisis, they tend to pretend that they're champions of the "little guy", then consolidate power and eventually get rid of the right to bear arms first (this way, no one can defend themselves from totalitarianism), then the freedoms of thought, speech, assembly, due process, etc. However, within the last century, socialist fascism and communism have been the ideologies that have killed and repressed more people (my family included) than all the wars in the last century combined, which is what xmacro was saying.
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    Seems there's no need for me to add anything; wwhwang has said it better than I ever could
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Capitalism of the 50's is a lot different of the capitalism of today. Though true capitalism could work, though it would have to be a hybrid. If capitalism was really what this country had then all of those banks and corporations that took so much of our money in 2008 would have gone under, but no our govt gave them money. We have a type of state sponsored capitalism which the state funds a lot of the largest companies, thus subsides and all that. Say for example, nuclear facilities, those are hugely subsidized, in fact the govt has to insure them as no insurer will.

    True, Hitler used the people to gain power, he used them to get what he wanted, namely what the ****'s became. Dictator's often use the people as their way up in hard times, cause the masses are largely idiots and will follow any one that has a great speaking voice in the time of need. However sometimes good things happen out of ruin. Truth is no system will work, that is why no system is perfect. People ruin it.

    Capitalism, as you want to call it did not bring the best economy to the world, what brought this country to prominence was we came together as a NATION to win 2 massive wars and our people were able to make something great, that idea of a unified and fair work place. Sure it wasn't perfect, but people by and large were able to do great things. Now there is so much control of our legislation, our banks, even our workplaces that keep people from rising. Almost all of the "interest" is to keep those on top, on top. Even if they are failing. While the rest fail.
    What you're referring to as the "capitalism of today" isn't the same capitalism that brought the US to power. Free markets and capitalism made a bunch of agriculture-based colonies into an economic powerhouse (see 1800s til 1920's, then 1950's to 1980's). Common sense and free market would have dictated that the businesses and banks that could no longer adapt to its environment cease to exist. Instead, the government gave them bailouts, which lead to a kind of "soft nationalization" of those companies and banks (which is more of a socialist/communist or "government controlled economy" concept). This is because when the companies take bailouts, the government uses that as a way of influencing those businesses (see GM and Chrysler). That's also why some banks either refused or paid back the bailouts ASAP.

    Capitalism works because people work towards their own self interest and therefore better themselves -and- whoever they work for. What we have now is a government that is slowly and subtly nationalizing businesses, pass legislation that only benefits these puppet companies (see Fannie Mae, GM, Chrysler, etc), and passes other laws and affects other businesses in unpredictable ways. With a flurry of unpredictable changes and increasing regulations, businesses that aren't in cahoots with the government can only wait it out and see how things turn out before investing money in employees, training, equipment, etc.

    Also, your point about dictators is true. When there's a crisis, they tend to pretend that they're champions of the "little guy", then consolidate power and eventually get rid of the right to bear arms first (this way, no one can defend themselves from totalitarianism), then the freedoms of thought, speech, assembly, due process, etc. However, within the last century, socialist fascism and communism have been the ideologies that have killed and repressed more people (my family included) than all the wars in the last century combined, which is what xmacro was saying.
    Socialism in the last century? here? no, no even close. If you want to look at what has started to destroy this country look no farther than what what a lot of the GOP have been doing with a lot of dem's on their tails. Let's see, what primary legislation that the democrat's have passed... civil rights, a lot of woman rights, workers rights, such as 40 hour work week, min wage, even started pushing for our national highways. Even in the mid part of the century the GOP had some great presidents, and even both parties worked together.

    What has the GOP been pushing for lately? Allow public education to be deceased, rip medicare apart and give to corporations, push for massive amounts of our money to be transferred to wall street (see the 2008 bailout, Iraq war) (btw the auto industry got LOANS which they had to pay back, against the GOP I might add), pushed for unlimited funds be used for our elections .. see citizens united, they even have tried to make legislation to allow donors to give to officials directly, busted epa laws and allow for laxed regulation on where oil/gas/chemicals are fracked/drilled and dumped, tried to push for the new pipline from Canada which hasn't even had a proper environmental assessment, stopped any legislation to strip the oil companies from getting subsides, even pushing for a war with IRAN, the list goes on.

    BTW what companies have we nationalized lately? Yeah we haven't. Should do it to the oil companies and all of our oil taken we take and use. Should break up a lot of these banks. To you everything is Socialism and evil however Capitalism as it exists today is the silent killer. Who pushed and benefited from Iraq? Sure wasn't us, sure wasn't the Iraqi's, sure wasn't the soldiers, no it was private defense contractors and oil companies among others. While we squabble over "if" people can get jobs and keep our jobs over here or get them back, others want to go to war. While our roads and highways crumble, tax dollars are easily given to huge oil companies. While our students pay obscene amounts of money for school, our freedoms are slowly stripped (see airports, woman's health, warrant less wire taps...). While the GOP stood in the way of an almost DEFAULT of our debt, they try and keep tax cuts for the richest people in the county while whine and stop any effort to keep an average 40 bucks a month for every other American. You say I fell asleep in History, I say you have fallen asleep all together. Wake up man. And yes, it doesn't matter what party is in power. One is totally for sale, the other is mostly for sale, both are tied by the money.
  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    Socialism in the last century? here? no, no even close. If you want to look at what has started to destroy this country look no farther than what what a lot of the GOP have been doing with a lot of dem's on their tails. Let's see, what primary legislation that the democrat's have passed... civil rights, a lot of woman rights, workers rights, such as 40 hour work week, min wage, even started pushing for our national highways. Even in the mid part of the century the GOP had some great presidents, and even both parties worked together.

    What has the GOP been pushing for lately? Allow public education to be deceased, rip medicare apart and give to corporations, push for massive amounts of our money to be transferred to wall street (see the 2008 bailout, Iraq war) (btw the auto industry got LOANS which they had to pay back, against the GOP I might add), pushed for unlimited funds be used for our elections .. see citizens united, they even have tried to make legislation to allow donors to give to officials directly, busted epa laws and allow for laxed regulation on where oil/gas/chemicals are fracked/drilled and dumped, tried to push for the new pipline from Canada which hasn't even had a proper environmental assessment, stopped any legislation to strip the oil companies from getting subsides, even pushing for a war with IRAN, the list goes on.

    BTW what companies have we nationalized lately? Yeah we haven't. Should do it to the oil companies and all of our oil taken we take and use. Should break up a lot of these banks. To you everything is Socialism and evil however Capitalism as it exists today is the silent killer. Who pushed and benefited from Iraq? Sure wasn't us, sure wasn't the Iraqi's, sure wasn't the soldiers, no it was private defense contractors and oil companies among others. While we squabble over "if" people can get jobs and keep our jobs over here or get them back, others want to go to war. While our roads and highways crumble, tax dollars are easily given to huge oil companies. While our students pay obscene amounts of money for school, our freedoms are slowly stripped (see airports, woman's health, warrant less wire taps...). While the GOP stood in the way of an almost DEFAULT of our debt, they try and keep tax cuts for the richest people in the county while whine and stop any effort to keep an average 40 bucks a month for every other American. You say I fell asleep in History, I say you have fallen asleep all together. Wake up man. And yes, it doesn't matter what party is in power. One is totally for sale, the other is mostly for sale, both are tied by the money.
    If you want to talk about civil rights, then let's go. As some people may know, the Republican party was formed to end slavery. After slavery was abolished, there was still the issue of civil rights. Democrats like Woodrow Wilson brought the Jim Crow laws up to the federal level by appointing a bunch of racists into his cabinet. When the civil rights movement came in full swing, the Republican majority in Congress was pushing the Civil Rights Bill through. LBJ, who was a rabid racist, knew that Dems couldn't stop it, so he decided to take the credit by signing it into law and appointing a black Supreme Court justice. Before he even did so, he said this exactly: "I'll make them n****rs vote Democrat for the next 200 years." Also, MLK was a big supporter of the Republican party.

    Most of what you're saying isn't even on topic (Iraq, oil companies, evil corporations, GOP is Satan) and isn't even backed up by history. Besides, I never said that the companies were officially nationalized. Bailouts (money with strings attached) + big company = Some control over said company. That's why I called it a "soft nationalization". As far as socialism is concerned, if the actions I've described fit the definition and the history perfectly, then that's what it is. If it looks, walks, and quacks like a duck, then it's a duck. I've made my points based on history, common knowledge, and economics and got a response about off-topic subjects and leftist dogma. But whatever. Talk to me later when you want to stay on topic with a civil discussion and stop spouting leftist propaganda.

    EDIT: By the way, before you start accusing me of being a racist, sexist, neocon, oil company puppet, Fox News thrall, Hitler, Satan, or a werewolf, I thought I'd let you know that I'm just a constitutionalist libertarian that loves to study history with a family history of being persecuted by socialist fascists and communists.
  • JDHJDH Posts: 2,107
    "...When the civil rights movement came in full swing, the Republican majority in Congress was pushing the Civil Rights Bill through. LBJ, who was a rabid racist, knew that Dems couldn't stop it, so he decided to take the credit by signing it into law and appointing a black Supreme Court justice. ..."

    This is a lie. A blatant, deliberate lie. CONSERVATIVES in both parties opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Democratic Segregationnists Dixie Rats, and Republicans like Barry Goldwater actively worked against it. CONSERVATIVES in the South supported and killed to keep the Jim Crow and the Sundwon laws in place. CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS WHO FOLLOWED SENATOR GOLDWATER REFUSED TO VOTE FOR THE LEGISLATION. Liberal and moderate Senators and Congressmen passed this legislation, conservatives were doing everything in their power to kill it. LBJ worked tirelessly to get it through, because he knew that the time had finally come to do away with Jim Crow and the Poll Tax and the Sunset laws.

    Only a fool, or a very ignorant person, would call LBJ a racist.

    I have a question. Would a President who did the following be a Socialist?

    Endorsed and supported tax rates as high as 90% on the wealthiest in order to pay down war debt, and to pay for huge Federal works programs, and "Nation-Building" overseas.

    Endorsed and supported a Federal tax structure that prevented the wealthiest among us from accumulating obscene fortunes, but instead encouraged an "equalizing" influence in tax policy, encouraging a wide distribution of wealth across the general population.

    Oversaw and created one of the most expensive public works projects in the history of the Republic.

    Supported the rights of workers to promote Unions, and oversaw the highest level of union membership in the history of the country, without opposition to the rise in union membership.

    Sent Federal Troops (battle hardened paratroopers) into a Southern State with live ammunition to enforce Federal Law that went against State Law.

    Publically stated to the Nation in general, but to Republicans specifically that Social Security was "settled law", and that it should never again be attacked with intent of destruction.

    Warned the population of the United States that the greatest danger to the democratic structure of its government and our way of life was not an enemy outside it's borders, but it was the growing "Military-Industrial Complex" that, if left unchecked, would embroil the US in "endless wars" and destroy the very fabric of democracy at home.

    I want to hear somebody tell me that President Dwight Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of Allied forces in Europe during WWII was a "socialist".
  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    "...When the civil rights movement came in full swing, the Republican majority in Congress was pushing the Civil Rights Bill through. LBJ, who was a rabid racist, knew that Dems couldn't stop it, so he decided to take the credit by signing it into law and appointing a black Supreme Court justice. ..."

    This is a lie. A blatant, deliberate lie. CONSERVATIVES in both parties opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Democratic Segregationnists Dixie Rats, and Republicans like Barry Goldwater actively worked against it. CONSERVATIVES in the South supported and killed to keep the Jim Crow and the Sundwon laws in place. CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS WHO FOLLOWED SENATOR GOLDWATER REFUSED TO VOTE FOR THE LEGISLATION. Liberal and moderate Senators and Congressmen passed this legislation, conservatives were doing everything in their power to kill it. LBJ worked tirelessly to get it through, because he knew that the time had finally come to do away with Jim Crow and the Poll Tax and the Sunset laws.

    Only a fool, or a very ignorant person, would call LBJ a racist.

    I have a question. Would a President who did the following be a Socialist?

    Endorsed and supported tax rates as high as 90% on the wealthiest in order to pay down war debt, and to pay for huge Federal works programs, and "Nation-Building" overseas.

    Endorsed and supported a Federal tax structure that prevented the wealthiest among us from accumulating obscene fortunes, but instead encouraged an "equalizing" influence in tax policy, encouraging a wide distribution of wealth across the general population.

    Oversaw and created one of the most expensive public works projects in the history of the Republic.

    Supported the rights of workers to promote Unions, and oversaw the highest level of union membership in the history of the country, without opposition to the rise in union membership.

    Sent Federal Troops (battle hardened paratroopers) into a Southern State with live ammunition to enforce Federal Law that went against State Law.

    Publically stated to the Nation in general, but to Republicans specifically that Social Security was "settled law", and that it should never again be attacked with intent of destruction.

    Warned the population of the United States that the greatest danger to the democratic structure of its government and our way of life was not an enemy outside it's borders, but it was the growing "Military-Industrial Complex" that, if left unchecked, would embroil the US in "endless wars" and destroy the very fabric of democracy at home.

    I want to hear somebody tell me that President Dwight Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of Allied forces in Europe during WWII was a "socialist".
    Just because the Democratic party split doesn't necessarily mean that one side was conservative like some people think. Besides, if you're talking about Nixon's Southern Strategy, then I have no idea how much support it was given by Republicans. Eisenhower was not a topic of discussion and neither were unions. Nor did I even call LBJ a socialist, for that matter. I'm surprised by the amount of words being put in my mouth. You do also know that LBJ wiretapped MLK's phones and even called him a "hypocrite n**ger preacher", right? Besides, once he signed the Civil Rights Bill, do you think he could go back on it and survive politically?
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Only a fool, or a very ignorant person, would call LBJ a racist.

    was he a racist when he said "I'll have those n-----s voting Democratic for the next 200 years." -- Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One Ronald Kessler's "Inside The White House" ?
    and what about THIS? Not racist?

    I have a question. Would a President who did the following be a Socialist?

    Endorsed and supported tax rates as high as 90% on the wealthiest in order to pay down war debt, and to pay for huge Federal works programs, and "Nation-Building" overseas.

    Endorsed and supported a Federal tax structure that prevented the wealthiest among us from accumulating obscene fortunes, but instead encouraged an "equalizing" influence in tax policy, encouraging a wide distribution of wealth across the general population.

    Oversaw and created one of the most expensive public works projects in the history of the Republic.

    Supported the rights of workers to promote Unions, and oversaw the highest level of union membership in the history of the country, without opposition to the rise in union membership.

    Sent Federal Troops (battle hardened paratroopers) into a Southern State with live ammunition to enforce Federal Law that went against State Law.

    Publically stated to the Nation in general, but to Republicans specifically that Social Security was "settled law", and that it should never again be attacked with intent of destruction.

    uh.. is that a trick question? cos all of those things have socialist tendencies and many of them are dictatorial in nature.
    I want to hear somebody tell me that President Dwight Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of Allied forces in Europe during WWII was a "socialist".
    well since you bring it up... he was. ... to a degree. just because he was a "Republican" or "Supreme Commander of Allied forces in Europe during WWII" does not mean a damn thing. you can be those things and still have socialist tendencies/ideas
    he may not have called himself a "socialist" but he sure did support some very social policies.

    that list above is good proof of that. if you are being honest, you can clearly see that. all of those things are socialist to some degree.
  • jj20030jj20030 Posts: 5,804 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • beatnicbeatnic Posts: 4,133
    You can't make this stuff up. Everything the government touches turns to crap.
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    You can't make this stuff up. Everything the government touches turns to crap.

    They need to kill the Volt all together but too much money involved !!!
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