
...see this?
in California Lawmakers consider bill to allow pot for pleasure
if you have, any thoughts?
in California Lawmakers consider bill to allow pot for pleasure
if you have, any thoughts?
If it's regulated like alcohol and tobacco then I can see this being a huge revenue center.
And I agree with Dennis I have never seen anyone get violent or upset after blazing.
(Side note)I've read that the "medicinal effects" are incorperated in to the body much faster through smoking vs. oral consumption.
But in regards to the effects she's expecting... I don't know. She's a real honest and genuine lady, but also a bit over positive on the outcome especially since there is not enough solid statistical research available. Non that I can find at least and feel so sure about the outcome. Having experienced the effects of MJ first hand and knowing an associate who uses it regularly, I've seen different results for different people.
But bottom line, I don't know enough about it to formulate a solid opinion on it's medicinal properties but I can understand the marijuana prohibition in relation to the alcohol prohibition in hopes it will reduce the trafficing and criminal side of it.
Oh yeah, and I understand the taxation portion with a positive direction side of it.
"Long ashes my friends."
I agree with Jason that if the Government took it over and then just taxed the he ll out of it, that would not be a good thing. Just more easy money for them to waste.
I do think however that the effects of lower crime rates, via less drug related offences for the police to deal with, and the taking away of the business aspect of the trade from the gangs would both be beneficial and economical to any state or province / country that adopted those policies.
Also if you took all the small time drug related (POT) offenders out of prison, I wonder how much money would be saved?
Never mind any moral issues. Jason have you ever had any violent incidents while dealing with a person smoking pot? I qualify that by saying only pot not anything else or in addition to...
I'm sorry, I'm asking because I don't know and don't want to be ignorant and assume things about this topic. Why wouldn't the tax dollars go to where they are supposed to?
Good sir, I appreciate your response. I now have some homework to do tomorrow when my eyes can stay open longer. I was not aware and must learn more. Thank you again.
"Long ashes my friends."
we have liberals, libertarians and conservatives on this board. unless i missed it, nobody has been in favor of keeping it illegal.
however, im not sure we are a great cross section of the nation.