message from Duty Joe

I got a PM from our friend Duty today, he said he is doing well but really busy. If anyone wants to get in touch with him, he let me know his e-mail address. PM me and I wil forward it to you. He says he misses the conversations, and to say hello to all the guys here.
I'm no "long time" guy, but I've been a member and a lingerer for a long time and "active" for almost a year now.
When I first signed up, all I did was read archive after archive of all the hilarious conversations you guys would have and the abundance of knowledge and experiences. I still do today. I think the legends were still active when I started to become active, but then they dissapeared. I miss them.
Awww thanks man. Woo Hoo!! I'm a long time guy!!
It is very impresive to see how many different people we have these days.