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My mouth...burned...help

Ok, maybe it's not as bad as the subject let on, but yes, my mouth is burned up...here is the story. There was an event at my local shop in Annapolis, so I got off work at 5, and hurried over there. On the way I wanted to grab some quick food and eat it in the car so I stopped by Popeyes Chicken and got one of their Big Easy Chicken Bowls which is pretty much a bowl of red beans and rice with some chicken thrown in. Anyway, I proceed to plow through eating the food but it was hot as heck, temperature wise, not spice wise. I didn't think much of it, but it turns out that I really burned all of the inside of my mouth and tongue. I really noticed it today, when I smoked some sticks for the game....OUCH! So, now I have to wait for my burned up mouth to heal from the devils chicken bowl burns before I can smoke again! My question is, any good home/store remedies to help my tender peeling mouth flesh to heal!?


  • haywood5150haywood5150 Posts: 35
    Your mouth is the fastest healing part of your body. As recommended to me by my doctor when I had severe pizza burn, you can do the following to aid in healing. You can gargle salt water (or even hydrogen peroxide) to cleanse and get rid of bacteria. Lemon juice can also be used, although it stings a bit so you can put some lemon juice in your salted water to flavor it. Remember not to swallow. It shouldn't take more than 2-3 days, if it does you need to see a doctor. Good Luck!!!
  • casmangcasmang Posts: 31
    Thanks man, I will try these out tonight!
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    Vitamin C also helps the oral cavity.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • Hawk55Hawk55 Posts: 846
    Haywood these are excellent and work quickly. the mouth heals very rapidly. Be prepared for the skin to peel...sounds strange but it does,,,that tells you it is healing. Pizza is the worse for these type burns and stangley enuf these burns are initally sometime not that painful but the results become evident quickly. Good luck and be careful in the future.
  • casmangcasmang Posts: 31
    Thanks guys! You know, I was thinking, the first thing everyone wants to do when they get a cut or open wound is pour salt or lemon juice into it! Anyway, I swished tonight....didn't really burn too much so that's good. Thanks again!
  • Fantastic advice! As a healthcare professional, I offer one more piece to the aforementioned advice- brush very gently for a day or two, and use a mouth rinse. The mouth does heal very quickly, but the tissue will be tender for a few days... a stiff toothbrush and heavy hand can irritate the new sensitive tissue. S.
  • casmangcasmang Posts: 31
    Fantastic advice! As a healthcare professional, I offer one more piece to the aforementioned advice- brush very gently for a day or two, and use a mouth rinse. The mouth does heal very quickly, but the tissue will be tender for a few days... a stiff toothbrush and heavy hand can irritate the new sensitive tissue. S.
    Thanks for the follow up advice...all these things have helped a ton. Tonight is the first night I am going to have a smoke since I burned my mouth...wish me luck...I need a stick badly! :)
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