Cigar Collection Database

This was discussed on here a little while back. Someone was going to develop a web based one. I currently use "The Cigar Register" but some had reported problems and even though it works (for me), there are some things I really don't like about it. I was wondering if that gentelman who was designing one was getting close (if anyone knows).
I did get a start on the web based form for inputting cigar related data, but that's as far as I got.
My idea would be much less fancy than some of the currently available systems, and hopefully I can design it to work for almost any computer operating system or web browser.
My last project was to design and build over 15 online training programs and the database to hold all of the training records, so I figure once I get better this should be a weekend project. If it doesn't work out, oh well.
Once I have something ready for 'Beta' testing, I'll be sure to post a link.
pm sent
Android the operating system is too bare bones and is too bland and an Iphone Imitator... Android or Windows Mobile with "HTC Sense UI" is where it is AT! And the New Snapdragon processor at 1Ghz is a beastly combo... I do not have such a phone, but dammit I want IT!!!
The difference is I WORK on my devices. I use my blackberry more for business than play. I use my laptops for business more than play.
As multimedia toys apple products are fine. As a legitimate business product I despise them. Why do I want to use a properiatary, non standards compliant, over-priced machine just to avoid a few malicious programs that are easily avoidable by using FREE programs such as AVG Anti-virus and Spybot.