Did I ruin my hygrometer?
I have a humidor that has the hygrometer fitted into a hole so it can be read from the outside. I noticed that the back of it was magnetic and stuck my puck to it. A day later I so I noticed that the reading on the hygrometer was way low vthe reason was that the puck was causing the lid to not shut properly. I immediately removed the puck but two weeks later my hygrometer seems to be stuck or never getting above 60. However my digitial that I keep inside as backup reads 71.
Did I ruin the hygrometer? Or is there somthing I'm just missing?
Did I ruin the hygrometer? Or is there somthing I'm just missing?
You may be able to calibrate the analog hygrometer and it could read reasonably close.
I seem to recall reading somewhere that the 'coil' you're referring to in an analog hygrometer is actually a hair - as in 'human hair'. Kuzi can probably straighten me out on that point.
Ummmm... That's really cool!! I wanna get one too!!
Yeah, well, like we used to say in the Orient, "Rotsa Ruck" I think you'll find that trying to calibrate an analog hygro and making it STAY calibrated is going to be an exercise in futility. But, like I said, Rotsa Ruck and "Keep Smiring".
Hows the the loft treating you Lake?