Update - Cabinet Humidor Build

I had a pretty good, successful day in the shop today. Today, I wrapped this baby in Cherry! Everything is glued up, screwed down...or whatever needed to be done to finish up the cherry case.
I cut the drawer fronts as well - in the photo, they're just sitting on top of one another, not glued on yet.... And the photo with the drawers pulled... well, I have them duck taped on... just to get a feel for them.... They feel great! The other drawer fronts are not on there.... that's spanish cedar.
Everything closes up nice and tight!
Next up for this sweetheart is the walnut top and trim detail.... Shouldn't be too much to do all that... and it'll start looking like something that I can send to Washington State pretty soon....
I paid close attention to the drawers and how the grain runs on them. I book matched rows 1-4.... I guess I should have made six drawers so I could have book matched that top one as well... Plus, the grain flows from left to right....
Right now, the cherry is light colored....but over time it turns to a very nice, butterscotch brown tone.... that will be nice!
The little bit of Walnut you see is just some scrap wood that I put there for effect... I wanted to see how it matches up....
I love it when a plan comes together.....

when are you sending it to me?