I seem to be accumulating a lot of ccom matches. How many of you actually use matches to light your cigars and if so how may does it usaully take to get your smoke lit?
I swear I am the bain of any lighters existance, so I frequently use matches. Takes me 6 matches or more if I use the slow lighting technique I learned from Kuzi.
When you were able to smoke inside at my B&M I used to used them all the time. Now, I only use them when I have to which is not often. I do however use matches when at the beach because I dropped a torch in the sand one time and it never work again. Good thing it wasn't one of my good ones.
I use my C.Com matches for lighting my pipe, it's never not windy here in my salty city and it's more difficult for me to light a cigar with matches than it is my pipe. Unfortunately I have 5 boxes since I haven't been able to make time to smoke anything because of this great cold weather.
I must be lighting up WAY too fast because I always use a match and it almost never takes more than one. Maybe that's why I'm often dizzy after lighting? :-)
since I lost my torch lighter, I have only matches to use to light my cigars. I have to say, it's rather nice skill to master...lighting a cigar w/ a match and not burning the hell out of the wrapper in the process.
what torch lighters do you recommend? I've had several in the past, but have trouble re-filling them.
I wouldn't recommend anything by Colibri, as I have heard numerous negative reviews about their reliability.
As for refilling lighters, I've found the following steps helpful:
Use only butane that's been at least triple-refined. Anything less and you risk having your fuel nozzle clog up from particulates.
When you refill, turn your fuel valve all the way to the lowest setting. Then, using a small screwdriver, push down on the fuel valve to bleed out any remaining butane and excess air. A common cause for lighters not working is when an air bubble forms in the fuel tank and prevents the butane from leaving.
After that, light it up and adjust the flame size to your liking.
I wouldn't recommend anything by Colibri, as I have heard numerous negative reviews about their reliability.
This used to be true but I don't know that it still is. The Colibri today is not the Colibri of a few years ago. Colibri actually closed its doors about a year ago. The new Colibri just purchased the name. My understanding is they retained none of the employees and aren't even using the same manufcturer.
I wouldn't recommend anything by Colibri, as I have heard numerous negative reviews about their reliability.
This used to be true but I don't know that it still is. The Colibri today is not the Colibri of a few years ago. Colibri actually closed its doors about a year ago. The new Colibri just purchased the name. My understanding is they retained none of the employees and aren't even using the same manufcturer.
You are right. I guess the only way to find out is to buy a new Colibri. Or maybe someone on the board owns one and can provide some opinions?
I wouldn't recommend anything by Colibri, as I have heard numerous negative reviews about their reliability.
This used to be true but I don't know that it still is. The Colibri today is not the Colibri of a few years ago. Colibri actually closed its doors about a year ago. The new Colibri just purchased the name. My understanding is they retained none of the employees and aren't even using the same manufcturer.
You are right. I guess the only way to find out is to buy a new Colibri. Or maybe someone on the board owns one and can provide some opinions?
After Colibri closed up shop my B&M was clearancing them for $10. I bought a $80 Colibri for $10. I wouldn't have bought it normally but so far so good. My last Colibri literally fell apart in my hand.
I bought a Colibri on line and I could not get it to keep fuel. I tried all the methods of filling it, but I could only get one light out of it. The nice thing though, when I complained the company said they had been having trouble with that model and sent me a replacement, a Xikar!!! That has worked great. For Christmas, my son got me a Coleman camp lighter, it's sort of a Swiss Army knife of butane lighters. That has worked well also.
I use my ccom matches for lighting candles in my home.
For those that require several matches, what technique are you using? I light a match, put it an inch from the foot of the cigar, then puff away while rotating the cigar. Since it only takes one match, I'm thinking you guys do it differently?
what torch lighters do you recommend? I've had several in the past, but have trouble re-filling them.
I bought a Vector Vulcan. Its a triple torch. You just squeeze it to ignite the torches. It works very well (No lighter is "windproof" in my experience). It looks nice and comes in a nice little box that I store it in next to my Humi. It was about $50.00 at a B&M so, I suppose it could possibly be found cheaper elsewhere. The first time I went to re-fill it, the case came off. I sent it back (I used matches. 2 of them lit at the same time), they fixed it and its been fine ever since. It tends to take me a long time to light my cigars. I do it very carefully and evenly so, this means I go through what I think is a fair amount of fuel. I use the Vector Premium refined Fuel. A large can cost me $6.00 (I've had it for about a year and there is more than 1/2 a can left. I smoke an average of 2 sticks per week and more on vacations). When I re-fil it I just push a pen tip in where you re-fill it ntil it stops hissing. Re-fill with the can (its nozzle fits right on it) until it stops hissing. There is a sight glass on the side of the lighter so you can check the fuel level.
"Long ashes my friends."
As for refilling lighters, I've found the following steps helpful:
Use only butane that's been at least triple-refined. Anything less and you risk having your fuel nozzle clog up from particulates.
When you refill, turn your fuel valve all the way to the lowest setting. Then, using a small screwdriver, push down on the fuel valve to bleed out any remaining butane and excess air. A common cause for lighters not working is when an air bubble forms in the fuel tank and prevents the butane from leaving.
After that, light it up and adjust the flame size to your liking.
Hope this helps.
I use my ccom matches for lighting candles in my home.
Reminds me of my ex mother in law.....