Stomach Flu.......

My little guy has the stomach flu today. Poor little fella. Cutest thing about it is every time I clean up his puke or change his clothes, he says "Thank you, daddy" in the cutest little voice. Breaks my heart every time.
Sorry for the sappy daddy moment...... just had to share. Now carry on with talk of cigars, booze and cars or somthing!
Sorry for the sappy daddy moment...... just had to share. Now carry on with talk of cigars, booze and cars or somthing!
Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..
And to keep this legit on the forum, I'm going out for a cigar right now with a bottle of Knob Creek to work on my sick whip. Ok.....well the cigar part is true anyway!
My son is a tough little monkey too, he got his first black eye right after his 3rd birthday. Him and my brother (he's autistic) were out playing "lightsabers", and my bro didn't see him run behind him and he clipped him. The little padawan is strong, he only cried for a minute and was back on his feet like it never happened.
"Long ashes my friends."