34 questions for jsnake

Hey everyone. I thought we could all get together and find out about jsnake. He is repping for an upstart cigar company, and I figured we could each ask him a question that he could answer. Only rule is he has to answer them today, and he has to answer them all individually....no reason...just thought it would be more fun to have him answer them individually. I have no other ulterior motives whatsoever, and I'm a politician so you can trust me.
It is an upstart company so unfortunately they don't have the money (yet) for me to give samples away freely. Only so many samples have been produced for B&M's. As we grow I am sure that will change. Especially since I know we have merchandise coming out and will be hosting events. One lucky person here is going to get to try these and give you an independent opinion. Remember if you win you have to at least post a mini review.
Just so you guys know I will be purchasing my own boxes next week. These boxes are for my personal humidor and to share. I will be including at least one of these sticks in any trades, games, or bombings I do in the near future. I realize the more of you that try them and like them the better word of mouth for the company. Asking your local B&M for them would be great too.