Graphic Novels

So, before Xmas I made a comment to my Fiance that I'd be interested in reading some Batman stories... and in her awesomeness, she got me a stack of Batman graphic novels... I wanted to read The Dark Knight returns, since it is so highly regarded... she got me:
Dark Knight Returns
Year One
The Killing Joke (this one was pretty amazing)
The Man Who Laughs
The Long Halloween
Batman:Dark Victory
Batman & The Monster Men
Batman & The Mad Monk
I've read about half... Year One was awesome, Monster Men was aight and The Killing Joke is my favorite so far...
Just curious if there are any graphic novel fans out there... if so, what are you reading or what do you recommend?
I plan on picking up The Watchmen and 300 since they are supposed to be the best of the best...
Dark Knight Returns
Year One
The Killing Joke (this one was pretty amazing)
The Man Who Laughs
The Long Halloween
Batman:Dark Victory
Batman & The Monster Men
Batman & The Mad Monk
I've read about half... Year One was awesome, Monster Men was aight and The Killing Joke is my favorite so far...
Just curious if there are any graphic novel fans out there... if so, what are you reading or what do you recommend?
I plan on picking up The Watchmen and 300 since they are supposed to be the best of the best...
If you wanna get into some foreign stuff, Japan has some superb stories (called "manga"), provided you can find translations for it. Dark Horse is the main seller of these, and the volumes go for about $10 each; if you like action, I highly recommend Hellsing or Berserk or Full Metal Alchemist. If you can't find them in stores, just google the name of the novel and add the term "scanlation" - what this is is fans getting the manga scanned from overseas, and then translated into english. After finding it, you can just download it to your computer and read at your leisure. Oftentimes, these manga run beyond 50 volumes, and provide hours of entertainment. Hellsing, Berserk, and Full Metal Alchemist in particular provide some amazing philosophical observations along with great action and fight scenes.
Most often, the artists of the comics are aware of these scanlation groups, but don't really do anything since it often helps promote the novel overseas and helps build demand for a company like Dark Horse to begin offering legit translations.
I was gonna preface this post with something like "i know this makes me sound like a dork..." but I decided against it...
I never read comics as a kid and I can't get enough of the Dark Knight BluRay on my new Bravia with my new surround sound (went a little overboard for xmas) so i thought i'd give them a shot...
I'm a dork, I admit it... but you were quick to read the post and point fingers... knowwhatimsayin?
I like my graphic novels black, like my coffee
A few Silent Hill collection series
Clive Barkers Hellraiser series
I own an original copy of the comlete collection of Sin City that I purchased 12 years ago
A bizarre TMNT graphic novel from the early '90s
Not to mention a number of different comic books from the '60s, '70s, and '80s
Dreadstar comics (almost complete collection. Anyone know of a good online store to get it completed?)
Omega Men Comics
Hellboy graphic novels a few years ago.
Black Dragon
Lords of the Ultra-Realm