
I'm the kind of fella that likes to share stuff and find out more stuff. They say knowledge is power and too much knowledge can... something something... beer... hmm. I can't remember.
So this is a thread to spread some knowledge of all kinds about guitars of all shapes and sizes. But of course, it's not limited to guitars since we have such a diverse bundle of gars and gals whom all have derailment issues, myself included.
So, what you got? What do you want? What do you know? What do you want to know? ... beer
And begin
I'm the kind of fella that likes to share stuff and find out more stuff. They say knowledge is power and too much knowledge can... something something... beer... hmm. I can't remember.
So this is a thread to spread some knowledge of all kinds about guitars of all shapes and sizes. But of course, it's not limited to guitars since we have such a diverse bundle of gars and gals whom all have derailment issues, myself included.
So, what you got? What do you want? What do you know? What do you want to know? ... beer
And begin
I have an Acoustic/Electric Fender that was a friends. He played mariachi and latin styles on it.
I'm looking at 4 string bass guitars with great intent. I want to expand my horizons and open myself up to more options in creativity. I've been eyeballin a Squier Affinity Series J Bass and a Squire Standard P Bass Special 4 String Bass. Now I become obssessive compulsive very quickly, so I've been doing some research and I've been learning how the different types wood effect sound and quality, but I want to learn more about pick-ups like Jazz coils versus Precusion coils and humbuckers and anything else my brain can hold. Little help?
i have:
an epiphone AJ 18s -12 string.
a heavily modified Yamaha RGX220
Samick sw 015E
Dean Bass guitar with EMG pickups also modified
A Harmony H803 that is on its way to being heavily modified guitar as well and is in a million pieces in my basement.
i also have a few bits of wood around that will be built into guitars over the years.
1) rewire and shield your guitar. this isnt hard to do but you need to learn how to do it correctly. i dont think i can teach you to do it but i know where you can learn.
2) drop in a "stacked humbucker" only one coil is exposed and the second coil is below the first. it negates the hum and doesnt effect the tone the way a standard humbucker can.
for instance:
on my yamaha i have a HH (humbucker, humbucker) set up with a three way switch that gives me the options of:
1)bridge humbucker
2) inner coil of bridge humbucker + inner coil of neck humbucker in series in phase
3) neck humbucker
each pickup has its own tone and volume plus i have a switch that will cut the bass out when activated (the inverse of a tone knob).
this is not how the guitar is set up originally. i added a tone knob and a volume knob, and the switch to cut the bass.
i also shielded the guitar so that there is very little of the natural hum that you get out of almost any factory wired guitar.
what do you have in mind to do to your washburn and whats your starting point?
I don't play nearly as much as I used to, but my dream guitar right now is a Carvin DC400 koa. They have active electronics, coil taps, and phase switch. Add a fishman bridge to that with dual outputs and your tonal possibilities are absoluetly endless.
Hey Kuzi, did you do all your work yourself? If so, how difficult was it? I have little experience working on a guitar (although I've played for about 25 years - never wanted to mess with one too much). But I have been wanting to replace my stock Ephiphone pickups with Gibson 490s. They have 4-conductor lead cables so it enables the installation of coil taps or parallel/series switch which is what I'd like to do. I'm not in the market to do this any time soon - hopefully within a year or 2 - but was just curious how involved it would be for someone with no experience in this.
if you are looking to keep your epiphone stock setup but just change out the pick-ups that is a very easy switch. if you are looking to add push/pull knobs on the pots for in/out of phase or coil splits then it gets a bit more complicated. i may even have the diagram for the very switch you are talking about somewhere around here. id just need to scan it in.
I was hoping to add the push/pull pots for the coil taps AND possibly add a phase switch as well. I guess I'm somewhat trying to replicate the setup of the Carvin DC400. And please don't go to the trouble of scanning in the wiring diagram - this project is waaaay off in the future, but thanks so much for the offer man! Come to think of it I vaguely remember finding a website with lots of different wiring diagrams and think they had the setup I descirbed. If I can ever find it again I'll post the link - seemed like a pretty good resource.
My new investment:
My new Squier Standard P Bass Special. Both "J" style pickups and "P" style pickups
A new Acoustic B200H Bass Head
And a vintage Sunn 610L Cabinet. That's 6 10" speakers. And this specific cabinet is an early '70s model before they were bought out my Fender.
This little rig is stupid loud!! It's so loud it'll pound your sack in to silly putty!!
My fingers are getting all blistered and callused from the bass strings, but it's so worth it.
I'll try to make some more appearances on here when my fingers aren't tied up. Light up fellas and gal(s)!!
Youtube is my ho when I need to know how to play stuff. I mostly count on her to get me what I need. Mostly.
if its a regular.... thats tough. i have a crate practice amp. its not all that great and as you turn it up it gets worse.