Freakin pissed!

I didnt have a chance all week to sit back with a smoke until last night. Broke out a Perdomo ESV 1991 for what figured to be a nice melow smoke. Started out a little rough but as the ample amount of smoke dumped out of this cigar I stated really enjoying it. It was dead silent outside and the dogs were walking around doing their thing and I hear a snap and crackle (similar to rice crispies) I figure it was one of the dogs steping on something...boy was I wrong. About half way thru the cigar, the wraper poped open and continued to rip its self apart. Dont get me wrong, I know these are all hand made so some level of human error is expected...but why tonight???? None of my other smokes that have had longer have ever done this so I know it isnt a humdification problem. I just wanted to know if Perdomos have a problem with that? Any thoughts would help...Thanks fellas.
Perdomos ESPECIALLY the ESV are typically well made. I go through a few of the segundos and have never had a burn problem.
"Long ashes my friends."