How's the housing market where you live?

Here in Chicago, it's rough, to say the least. We're putting our place on the market soon but we unfortunately have to do a short-sale cuz we're upside down on our mortgage. My realtor gave us the unhappy news that home values in my area would go down 5% by this summer and 10% by the end of the year. He also said that home values won't start to turn around till 2013 and won't recover to 2006 prices till 2020!!! Yikes!
If the short-sale works out, our credit will take a hit and we won't qualify for anything but an FHA loan for three years. So, we'll be renting for a while till we can fix our credit and save some money for a downstroke. Wish me luck!
If the short-sale works out, our credit will take a hit and we won't qualify for anything but an FHA loan for three years. So, we'll be renting for a while till we can fix our credit and save some money for a downstroke. Wish me luck!
Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..
really though, it's abyssmal. I couldn't sell my home if I tried. I moved out of it 3 years ago and have been renting it out for a portion of the mortgage payment. I rent a home literally twice the size as the one I own for less than my mortgage. Tell me how a home is supposed to be an investment again..... The Southern Oregon market was directly affected by the market in Southern California. When theirs took a dump so did ours. People would sell their homes in SoCal for more than they were worth and a lot more than they owed and move to Southern Oregon and buy a home cash. When their market died, ours did as well.
as far as taxes go...
im not doing too bad.
mostly because the lot is kinda small.
This winter they finally started on 2 new homes. It's actually a builder who had been in California and was forced to move back, lost his shirt. They are nice homes, but small, certainly not what he's used to building. He's got one serious looker on the line, going for 235 I believe.
It'll all come around.