Leave 'em wrapped or set them free?
Just received my Don Pepin Garcia DD sampler (bought 2) and was wondering if it would be best to leave them wrapped in the cellophane they came in or take them out. My humi has room and I plan on allowing them a nice long rest (won't be easy). Any thoughts would be appreciated.
If they come wrapped in cello they stay that way. Cello has several good points. If ever you find a cigar with beetle holes in it, the cellophane might have kept beetles in only that cigar, or if one of the critters gets out, it might be less likely to find another home. I consider the cellophane like a condom. If a cigar gets moldy for some reason, chances are the mold will be less likely to intrude on the other cigars, and you can get rid of the bad one. Also I agree, it helps keep damage low from cigars getting beaten up.
I've been collecting for years and I have a good mix of cigars in the wrapper, out of the wrapper, and yes even some with the ends cut off. They all look, taste, and smell great!
It doesnt surprise me though. Those little pesky buggars are voracious!
If in doubt and its been hot and humd, let a new shipment get to room temperature in a cool part of the house, then place the shipment in the freezer for 3 to 4 days to kill the eggs/beetles. Remove the cigar shipment an place them in the fridge for about 2 days then remove them from the fridge, place in cool area of the house for a day, then put them in the humidor to reaclimate them to proper temp and humidity. (at least that is what I do from time to time in the summer)