Any stock traders out there?

I have started dabbling in the stock market and was wondering if anyone here trades. I just started so I really dont know much other than how to buy and sell. Its pretty fun though.
ING Sharebuilder. I do a lot of research on upcoming IPOs and ETFs, Mutual Funds that sort of thing.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
DRE (Duke Realty Company - REIT) up 21%
EEP (Enbridge Energy Partnership) up 65%
EPD (Enterprise Products Partnership) up 43%
FRE (Freddy Mac) up 26%
TROW (T. Rowe Price) up 58%
BKE (Buckle) up 18%
One really good long term investment that isn't going anywhere anytime soon and offers good dividents:
WTR (Aqua America)
I have been interested in trading pennies but I have no idea how to look for them. Any good advice or links?
Go look at CBAI its cord blood of america they store cord blood samples from children and store it so in the future organs and such or even blood can be created from the samples (similar to stem cells) they just built a HUGE state of the art lab to store these samples and sighned with another company to store their samples. so not only do they research and store there own but they store others samples in the spare space of the warehouse for profit....very good buisness model.....only downside is when they built the place they went about 9million in debt and inturn diluted shares to pay the debt (thats what stock is for anyway) so they went down a bit but they are on the bounce back and I dont see any R/S in their future. and OWVI (one word ventures INC) is a holding company whos largest holding is a company who just linked up with visa to bring pre paid debit cards to china, korea, phillipines and japan they also have a good company that makes solar panels .
check out
and please do you own due diligence dont take what I say as anymore than my own opinion : )
Sorry for quality took a pic of my monitor at work with my Iphone lol
It is a strategy that I find works but I also mix in the management aspect of which you speak. I never invest in the "IN" thing but if money is flowing in that direction I find a micro stock to invest in that is in the same area. also your mentor is teaching for long term investors with penny stocks you should not hold for more than about 4 months dependant on companies. my results are good with my plan but everyone has their own ways. and my way would not work with large cap stocks or blue chips.
Am I missing something? Either metal is going to reach all time highs again once the economy recovers OR there is a sharp correction coming up with metals. Any thoughts?
From Jan. 28, 2010
From Feb 9, 2010