Love Unconditional

Yee that have children know what I am talking about.
My daughter has a bad cough tonight. She was coughing so hard tonight that she was making herself sick. So instead of letting her puke all over her favorite blanket I put out my cupped hands and she yakked and I caught it! of course I went to the bathroom and rinsed and washed my hands afterwards. Id do it again!
My daughter has a bad cough tonight. She was coughing so hard tonight that she was making herself sick. So instead of letting her puke all over her favorite blanket I put out my cupped hands and she yakked and I caught it! of course I went to the bathroom and rinsed and washed my hands afterwards. Id do it again!
"Long ashes my friends."
"Long ashes my friends."
I like to lift my 6 month old into the air and he gets to laughing and has a big huge open mouth toothless grin. He is teething and drooling so a few times I have had drool go straight into my mouth or up my nose while doing this.
"Long ashes my friends."