Those who watch Fox News

I'm not sure how many of you watch Fox news but I'm sure many of you do. I am not sure if any of you are aware that one of the largest share holders is a saudi prince.
I watch it from time to time and over just say the last year they have false-i-fied video (tea bagger parties), lied countless times about the health care bills/proposals, instill fear and never if rarely correct mis-truths on the air or when giving interviews. Now I am not saying that no network calls out mis truths all the time but as a NEWS company or at least as it calls itself it should. I do believe that most of the news on tv has been skewed as there is way too much corporate control which is why I personally reach out beyond that one source, which is on the tube. I can remember, vaguely how reporting use to be done which sadly I don't see it anymore in the news.
I watch it from time to time and over just say the last year they have false-i-fied video (tea bagger parties), lied countless times about the health care bills/proposals, instill fear and never if rarely correct mis-truths on the air or when giving interviews. Now I am not saying that no network calls out mis truths all the time but as a NEWS company or at least as it calls itself it should. I do believe that most of the news on tv has been skewed as there is way too much corporate control which is why I personally reach out beyond that one source, which is on the tube. I can remember, vaguely how reporting use to be done which sadly I don't see it anymore in the news.
I've found that for general news without an overall American bias, you'll have to go international. When I was traveling last month, I got BBC World in my hotel and the difference between BBC and American news was like night and day. I actually saw real news being reported, rather than another missing white girl that has gone missing or live coverage of a dog that's been trapped in water.
Bottom line is, every news source is biased one way or another; even BBC and PBS have a spin to them (yes, ladies and germs, BBC can be quite biased since it's owned and funded by the British Gov't). I like watching FOX news every now and again because it's pretty much the only news source that spins conservative; BBC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS - they all go liberal, but to different degrees. If you watch FOX and another liberal network, chances are you'll be getting both views on an issue and you can formulate a reasonably-informed viewpoint; but to watch only FOX or only CNN or only BBC means you're only getting a one-sided, biased viewpoint.
See my sig for the mental attitude you need when watching any news.
News is a for profit business these days and people tend to watch what they agree with. It's no wonder that Fox News triples the ratings scores of any other network.
You might wanna check your cigars; someone might've been slipping something extra into 'em if you can say something like that with a straight face
As many have already stated, yes FOX news is to the right, but every other media outlet is to the left. Get over it liberals. All media has a slant. Lucky for us, we have the option to watch whatever we choose.
Next, Fox News was not as critical of President Bush as other agencies, but they were critical. The current administration has gotten a free pass from 90% of the media, but Fox doesn't let that happen. No President deserves a free pass. They must ALL be held accountable.
The last point is that the progressive movement (aka liberalism) has been what has brought this country to the shape we are in today. In the 1700's we moved away from Europe and for damn good reason! They were on the "progressive" track of socialism and we saw that this was not the way we wanted our great nation to be run. We broke free and forged a new path, one that gave freedom to all! Now the liberls or progressives, or what ever you want to call them, and they are in both parties, have started trying to steer us back to the European path. That is not the path of the America we all love. A free capitalist republic built the most powerful nation in the world in the blink of an eye. Why everyone wants to derail this great nation is beyond me...
you believe that corporations run everything. corporations CANT run anything. they dont exist. people exist. people control things. they have a right to do what they want so long as they do not violate the rights of others. you have never once shown me how corporations control me or anyone else. you cant. ...because they dont because they cant. i dont like TV in general. not for me.
edit(about 3 hours on): now that ive thought about this a bit i think i can see the perception here.
if i had a preconceived notion that FOXNEWS was evil, this could bee seen as intentional and planned, however, i cannot say if that was the case or not. I honestly dont know enough about FOX to make that call, nor do i know what is in their hearts (nor anyone else's for that matter). news corporations have millions of hours of stock footage, extra footage, lost footage, and general footage. they also have thousands of people working for them. if anyone has ever worked in a larger company, it is very easy to know that, in fact, good help is hard to find. i dont know if thats the case. again, i dont know what is in the hearts of others. I choose to be more optimistic than that. i think that FOX, CNN, MSNBC, and any other news outlet is always trying to give what they feel is the best news they can. Is there an agenda for all of them... yes.
easy solution: watch them all from time to time. decide for yourself.
question everything.
this is blatant name calling. i thought you were above this.
Good point, Vulchor.
As long as I get to keep all of my guns and cigars, and I don't have to pay anyone else's medical bills, I'll be happy.
Not saying people here are simpletons..just saying it takes more brains to engage in critical thinking. Save it. You think conservatives are as dumb as your leaders do. They know people have figured them out, that's why all this health stuff is in full gear. Oh and terrorist are bad. Understand a smidgen about Jihad and Muslims, obviously you don't understand their mentality.
And the family is why this country is great, that is why it is such an important issue. Look up stats on whole families as opposed to broken ones. Do some research before you chime back in.
Conservatives stand for something, liberals stand for nothing... and you guys can't stand it.
Phobic... on par for a Portland guy with the teabagger comment. You higher thinkers sure can stoop low.