What's your favorite scotch and how do you drink it?

I'm curious what you other scotch drinkers enjoy.
When I have a few extra bills to spend I like sipping on Glenfiddich 15 Year neat, otherwise I have Dewar's White Label on the rocks with a splash of water.
Thanks for the welcome. From Chicago aye? I'm up in the Northern suburbs- Vernon Hills to be exact. Close enough to where ever they ship from to get cigars in 2 days with ground shipping.
Oh boy, now I'm looking around for the amaretto...
I agree that just a drop or two of water can really open up a good Scotch, though.
but I like it with just a tiny splash of water, it really opens it up a lot. This is a GREAT scotch!
Yuck. There are a few other blends at the same price point that I consider far superior. J&B, Dewar's and Famous Grouse are all great spirits for around the same price as the Cutty, and have much better flavor profiles. J&B is personally my favorite of the three because it offers a unique-for-a-cheap-blend level of oiliness on the mouth feel front.
Right now I'm drinking the Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban. Loving the chocolate and mint notes this one has. Beautiful dark color too.
As for adding water, a 1/2 teaspoonful of cool (never COLD) spring water really does a LOT to open up the fragrances, and as a result, the flavors present in any whisky. Personally I am not a fan of serving or drinking whisky on the rocks, because the temperature discrepancy dulls the flavors. Ever wonder why it's so much easier to drink vodka if it has been in the freezer all day? Same principle.
I'm a one or two rocks guy for the most part. If it's good stuff, I'll do a teaspoon of water into it. None of this "flick a drop of water off your finger, that opens it up" stuff. That does absolutely nothing, but just like cigars, it's all a matter of preference.
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