Congrats! That's a beautiful humidor. One of these days I'm going to buy a nice little desktop humi. I use a plastic storage bin. It's a lot cheaper, lol. There are two purchases a cigar smoker makes that I find to be momentous occasions, and either one is like finishing your initiation. One is buying your first box and the other is your first humi. That's just my two cents.
Wow. Still no humidor! I cant believe it takes UPS 7 business days to get something to Houston from PA! I ordered all the other things, like the hydrometer, heartfelt beads, even a DD from here and I have everything.
Well it shows it will be here tomorrow, but I am really hating UPS right now! Everything else was shipped USPS and got to me in 2-3 days!
Sorry had to vent a little bit as this is my very first humidor and I'm excited to get it!
Send it back...get a larger one, you will need it and for about $20-$25 more you can get a larger size. Shop around and don't be in a hurry, you can get a larger one for a few bucks more. But really, don't rush it, you will end up needing more storage space as your taste and needs develop. Call one of the guys at and talk to them about a larger humidor and I guarantee you they will help you out.
Larger image
Well it shows it will be here tomorrow, but I am really hating UPS right now! Everything else was shipped USPS and got to me in 2-3 days!
Sorry had to vent a little bit as this is my very first humidor and I'm excited to get it!
Yes I had all 3 of the girls in Shawn's pic. Then I smoked the fine Cigars he sent me !