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Whatcha smokin tonight?



  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    I had some good smokes on my 4 day weekend but can't remember what all I had now... I think the Maker's Mark might have had something to do with that! I know I've had a Graycliff 1666 Churchill that was pretty tastey, a Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet Churchill that was really good, and a 5 Vegas Classic dbl Nickle on the golf course yesterday that was also good! I know I smoked at least one other but I can't remember what it was... Damn short term memory loss...
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    I had some good smokes on my 4 day weekend but can't remember what all I had now... I think the Maker's Mark might have had something to do with that! I know I've had a Graycliff 1666 Churchill that was pretty tastey, a Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet Churchill that was really good, and a 5 Vegas Classic dbl Nickle on the golf course yesterday that was also good! I know I smoked at least one other but I can't remember what it was... Damn short term memory loss...

    Stress of the job Puro stress of the job ...I'm in a different profession than you but have the same damn problem man LOL ...Referred to as CRS Syndrome ...Cant Remember Sh_it !!!
  • betasynnbetasynn Posts: 1,249
    Friend and I swapped cigars, mystery-cigar style and I wound up drawing a Cuba Libre. Great stick, definitely looking to get some more of 'em.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    I had some good smokes on my 4 day weekend but can't remember what all I had now... I think the Maker's Mark might have had something to do with that! I know I've had a Graycliff 1666 Churchill that was pretty tastey, a Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet Churchill that was really good, and a 5 Vegas Classic dbl Nickle on the golf course yesterday that was also good! I know I smoked at least one other but I can't remember what it was... Damn short term memory loss...

    Stress of the job Puro stress of the job ...I'm in a different profession than you but have the same damn problem man LOL ...Referred to as CRS Syndrome ...Cant Remember Sh_it !!!
    Yea, between work, a one year old, and a wife... I pretty much don't stand a chance! lol
  • Had a man o war last night. Tasted some oaky wood and sweetnes. This only happened when it was burning ok. I say ok bc i had plenty of burn issues and very lil flavor. When there was flavor it seemed to be a mild to medium with medium body at best. Definatley was a let down as i was really anxious to try this cigar. Theres still 1 resting from the sampler so hopefully a lil time will work for this cigar
  • gaberoxgaberox Posts: 824
    Had 2 goodies today. A series JJ Sublime and a Cuban Classic roubusto. Was seriously impressed with the classic. Had one a few months ago that had been aged for at least a year at my B&M. I actually liked the fresh one a lot better today. I know the aged one was stored properly cause I got it from one of if not the best spot in Tampa. The fresh one just seemed to be a lot richer with a  more flavorfull wrapper. I expected a lot more spice, it was pretty smooth but really good. The JJ was just solid not great.
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Posts: 3,296
    I wasn't going to smoke today but I broke down and smoked an Acid Roam while sitting on the tracker cutting the lawn. My friend bought these and gave me one. It's just like the Kuba Kuba but larger. This one actually had a deent tobacco taste for a little while.
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    Today was a Felipe Power Triple R.. The first 1/2 was really enjoyable despite a terrible canoeing problem, but then the cigar took a terrible flavor turn, very bitter, almost like when you relight a day old cigar, had to quit this normally dependable stick after only 30 minutes.
  • jacketsrulejacketsrule Posts: 401
    I smoked my first ever La Aroma de Cuba. The flovors were not bad, but the burn was horrible. It was a torpedo, and it felt soft like it was under filled. It had only spent two weeks in my humi, maybe it needed more time.
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,560 ✭✭
    Rocky Patel Decade torpedo. My fingers are pretty well burnt up, I only left 1/2" on it. Damn fine smoke considering I've not had it very long. Smooth as can be, flavorful, perfect burn. Nice body as well. Just an all around joy to smoke. I'm sad I only have 5 left, but will be remedying that soon enough.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Today was a Felipe Power Triple R.. The first 1/2 was really enjoyable despite a terrible canoeing problem, but then the cigar took a terrible flavor turn, very bitter, almost like when you relight a day old cigar, had to quit this normally dependable stick after only 30 minutes.
    Had one a couple of days ago Kas and it started to get a bit rough on me in the second half. I like the cigar (and thanks by the way for the one you sent me), but I think the ones I have need to rest up for a couple months, then they ought to have settled nicely.

    Today was a La Flor Dominicana Limitado III, awesome cigar that packs a whallop...also I got a killer ash on it, I'll have to upload the pic, it was like 3 inches long before I tapped it. Later was a trusty standby, a Padron 3000 habano that has been chilling in the unopened box since early December, the time has done a lot for an already great cigar.

    And big props to my buddy Leonard who brought me a Casa Fuente house blend belicoso back from Vegas...the good thing about bombing someone who lives in the same town is that you don't have to pay postage. :D
  • bigj51bigj51 Posts: 52
    I had a Punch today.  Very mild, little aftertaste
  • MatkisrMatkisr Posts: 2
    Didn't smoke tonight but each of the last few nights, I had a Rocky Patel Edge Lite. I think they were probably the best burning and easiest drawing cigars I've had in a long time. Very nice and mellow, kinda creamy almost. I'll definitely pick up some more.
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    wednesday was a La Aurora Figurado --not a ton of flavor but what was there was good. Before that a Punch Rare Corojo - always a treat ...
  • LasabarLasabar Posts: 4,472 ✭✭✭
    In phoenix the only cigar that I smoke was a year old Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet... And just to add to the fact that Phoenix is Hell as I'm sitting outside of Hooters in the 114*F heat (at 10pm) the cigar was burning very well for the dryness made the cigar burn like a champ, great flavor too!


    Every outdoor business has these damn "Misters" that run constantly to cool you off so I had my cigar being constantly misted and halfway through it went out... BIOTCH!
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    Today was a Hemingway Short Story.. It's been a long time since I've had one of the Hemingway line, and today it didn't knock me over, Maybe because I've started to favor the Don Carlos line of Fuentes cigars. Still an enjoyable smoke, the Short Story lasted the long ride home.
  • Stew3223Stew3223 Posts: 15
    Tonight my smoke is a Perdomo Lot 23 torpedo.  I bought it on my birthday at the begining of the month and ive been looking forward to it since I hadnt had one since last summer.  Im about a half inch in and its smoking beautifully.  Lots of thick smoke out of each draw.  Mild flavor with a hint of spice on the finish. 
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Posts: 3,296
    Had my one and only Gurkha Enigma tonight. It was decent. The weather was humid and it was raining a little so I'm sure that affected the flavor some but until the end it was fine.
  • Bad AndyBad Andy Posts: 848
    Smoked a Gurkha Ancient Warrior this afternoon. Good little smoke. Not sure about the shop I got it at. I'm in North Dakota for work so I go to the only cigar shop in town. I walk in to the humidor and wow...most boxes were closed, the some were empty & a few actually had a handful of cigars. The humidor was practically empty...not sure how much business they get, probably not much.
  • LasabarLasabar Posts: 4,472 ✭✭✭
    Today I had a NUB Connecticut that I got in the mail today from a 5-pack... It burned uneven but it sure as hell lasted over an hour and I could still do a NUB stand with it...

    The bad thing is that I was reading a cigar book and my bookmark was the Gurkha Class Regent cigar band that KUZI sent me... I replaced it with the NUB Conny band... Now I can't find the Gurkha band... shoot...
  • TheedgeTheedge Posts: 316
    Perfect sun set, perfect temp, deer, geese, ducks, no bugs, just me the dog and rp connecticut.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Started off with a Jesus Feugo Gran Reserve robusto, wasn't great starting off, a little boring, but after the first half inch it took off and left me in the dust, pretty good cigar with a nice bit of kick to it. Later was a Partagas Serie D #4, excellent tasting cigar that packed a punch of its own, right to the stomach...I can still feel that puppy grumbling.
  • plaidbanana1plaidbanana1 Posts: 187
    Today was a Hemingway Short Story.. It's been a long time since I've had one of the Hemingway line, and today it didn't knock me over, Maybe because I've started to favor the Don Carlos line of Fuentes cigars. Still an enjoyable smoke, the Short Story lasted the long ride home.
    Sorry it didn't wow you. This is one of my favorites and I've got a box aging. Mmmmmm.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    i got out of work tonight and it was still kinda humid from the rain today but it stopped a while before. I drove home with the windows down. as i drove home the sky cleared up and a cool dry breeze came up. by the time i got home the air was nice and crisp. I had to go to my humidor and see what looked good.

    Sancho Panza double maduro churchill sitting right on top... one year of age on it. greatr night for a cigar. just finished it at 3:30 AM. this made my day even though my work day sucked. if i could end every day like this i would be a happy man.
  • HugemooseHugemoose Posts: 458
    I just finished a Hemingway short story while reading a book out on the front porch.....luckily right before the rain hit.

    This was my first Hemingway and I really enjoyed this! I am terrible and describing the characteristics of a cigar, but this was one that I plan on repeating. Only next time, I need to pick up more than one and possibly in a different size so I can enjoy it for longer.

    This also was my frist cigar in about 2 weeks so I was a good kick off to the weekend.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    I just finished a Hemingway short story while reading a book out on the front porch.....luckily right before the rain hit.

    This was my first Hemingway and I really enjoyed this! I am terrible and describing the characteristics of a cigar, but this was one that I plan on repeating. Only next time, I need to pick up more than one and possibly in a different size so I can enjoy it for longer.

    This also was my frist cigar in about 2 weeks so I was a good kick off to the weekend.
    Try the Hemingway Classic...it is, well, a classic.
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    Today was a Torano Virtuos.. I liked the strength which is one of the heaviest hits I've gotten from Torano, The cigar was great looking with a some bold tastes of wood, and leather, at times earthy, and something kind of floral..The issue was the burn. It tunneled really badly. This is the first time in a long time I had to deal with that. There was a large stem that looked like a toothpick running through the middle of it too. But, still I enjoy the Torano cigars, and I will try this one again for certain..
  • TumblerTumbler Posts: 338 ✭✭
    I was at an Ashton event tonight and had an Ashton Heritage. It was good, but not great by any stretch. There were probably 14 of us in a basement. The smoke was incredible thick and not so pleasant. A friend and I finally went outside to finish our smoke. Had some Johnny walker black label - there wasn't any limit on that. :) The Ashton rep was full of **** - kind of pretty much how Maddy described 'em

    I picked up a nub looking LFD double Ligero. I am smoking that now and that was a great smoke. I got my ticket money back by picking up a couple of ESG torpedos. Probably let them sit a couple of years... :)
  • Garen BGaren B Posts: 977
    Smoked a RP Decade Torp tonight, great smoke and is probably going up as one of my top 5 favorite full bodied cigars. Only problem was that the humid is so stinking low here that it was burning a little bit faster than I would have liked, but it still ended up being a 1 and 45 min smoke.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    Had a Casa Fuego our buddy Jo sent me a couple of weeks ago. I really liked it, but not as much as some of Mr. Feugo's other blends. Still a great stick though. And I just finished up a Padill '68 Robusto, these never dissapoint. It has been a while since I had one, I was kind of hording the last two I had, but I got a few in today from a sampler split Tumbler and I did and found out I have 20 more coming for my birthday from my wife, so I figured I should go ahead and burn off the ones I have had on hand, lol.
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