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Bead Convert

GoldyGoldy Posts: 1,638 ✭✭
I have 3 humis and I until recently have tried to manage the humidity with humi packs and the occasional shot glass of water. My reason was basically that I am cheap and didn't want to spend the money for beads when I could just spend it on sticks. I got really sick of messing with the humi packs and finally broke down and ordered some beads on ebay for 5.00 a half pound. I have gotta say that was one of the smarter things I have done in a long time because now the RH has been spot on 70% for the past week. To anyone thinking about humi issues, just make the jump and get some beads, it will signifigantly reduce your headaches.


  • ljlljl Posts: 819
    +1, same experience. Tons less maintenance. I have several humis and set up a coolidor using the beads. It worked so well - I'm just going to switch.
  • coachjamiecoachjamie Posts: 337
    Do you just lay the beads in the bottom of the humidor in the little sack or the hose sack? Or do you lay it on something so it is not directly on the wood?
  • ljlljl Posts: 819
    I just put the bag on the bottom(this was in a plastic cooler though). I am going to check the heartfelt site to see what they have for storage.
  • The CankThe Cank Posts: 799
    they use sacks but my only problem with beads are they take up so much room. a half pound for my 300 count humi. that was the 1/3 of my lower section. I use a cigar oasis now which gives me a little more room but its so nice I don't have to mess with any humidification.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    Beads are awesome, I have been using them now for over a year. Only wish I could find them little cheaper than the heartfelt site.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • sightunseensightunseen Posts: 2,130 ✭✭
    Beads are awesome, I have been using them now for over a year. Only wish I could find them little cheaper than the heartfelt site.
    There are some other sites that sell "generic" versions of it. I've heard of Ebay selling them for pretty cheap. I've even heard of people using silica cat litter.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    Beads are awesome, I have been using them now for over a year. Only wish I could find them little cheaper than the heartfelt site.
    There are some other sites that sell "generic" versions of it. I've heard of Ebay selling them for pretty cheap. I've even heard of people using silica cat litter.
    yeah, ive heard of that kitty litter thing....but I just can't bring myself to put killy litter in my humi. I know I'm cheap...but not that cheap!

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • sightunseensightunseen Posts: 2,130 ✭✭
    Beads are awesome, I have been using them now for over a year. Only wish I could find them little cheaper than the heartfelt site.
    There are some other sites that sell "generic" versions of it. I've heard of Ebay selling them for pretty cheap. I've even heard of people using silica cat litter.
    yeah, ive heard of that kitty litter thing....but I just can't bring myself to put killy litter in my humi. I know I'm cheap...but not that cheap!
    I'm of the same mind, especially since I have cats.
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    Beads are awesome, I have been using them now for over a year. Only wish I could find them little cheaper than the heartfelt site.
    There are some other sites that sell "generic" versions of it. I've heard of Ebay selling them for pretty cheap. I've even heard of people using silica cat litter.
    yeah, ive heard of that kitty litter thing....but I just can't bring myself to put killy litter in my humi. I know I'm cheap...but not that cheap!
    Hey Kreig, here is the answer to your wish. These are beads that I and several other's around the forums use. They are half the price of Heartfelt and are Museum Quality Beads, also come with mesh bags to hold the beads. Check 'em out.

  • txjayhawktxjayhawk Posts: 311
    Beads are awesome, I have been using them now for over a year. Only wish I could find them little cheaper than the heartfelt site.
    There are some other sites that sell "generic" versions of it. I've heard of Ebay selling them for pretty cheap. I've even heard of people using silica cat litter.
    yeah, ive heard of that kitty litter thing....but I just can't bring myself to put killy litter in my humi. I know I'm cheap...but not that cheap!
    I'm of the same mind, especially since I have cats.
    I use kitty litter...it works perfect for my sticks. Got a 4 lb bag for 9 dollars at the grocery store.
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    Beads are awesome, I have been using them now for over a year. Only wish I could find them little cheaper than the heartfelt site.
    There are some other sites that sell "generic" versions of it. I've heard of Ebay selling them for pretty cheap. I've even heard of people using silica cat litter.
    yeah, ive heard of that kitty litter thing....but I just can't bring myself to put killy litter in my humi. I know I'm cheap...but not that cheap!
    I'm of the same mind, especially since I have cats.
    I use kitty litter...it works perfect for my sticks. Got a 4 lb bag for 9 dollars at the grocery store.
    Check these out instead. They are made for this purpose, and they are cheap.

  • txjayhawktxjayhawk Posts: 311
    Beads are awesome, I have been using them now for over a year. Only wish I could find them little cheaper than the heartfelt site.
    There are some other sites that sell "generic" versions of it. I've heard of Ebay selling them for pretty cheap. I've even heard of people using silica cat litter.
    yeah, ive heard of that kitty litter thing....but I just can't bring myself to put killy litter in my humi. I know I'm cheap...but not that cheap!
    I'm of the same mind, especially since I have cats.
    I use kitty litter...it works perfect for my sticks. Got a 4 lb bag for 9 dollars at the grocery store.
    Check these out instead. They are made for this purpose, and they are cheap.

    I actually just looked at those. If the litter turns out not to work I will for sure check into those.
  • Smoke=FireSmoke=Fire Posts: 692 ✭✭✭
    Beads are awesome, I have been using them now for over a year. Only wish I could find them little cheaper than the heartfelt site.
    There are some other sites that sell "generic" versions of it. I've heard of Ebay selling them for pretty cheap. I've even heard of people using silica cat litter.
    yeah, ive heard of that kitty litter thing....but I just can't bring myself to put killy litter in my humi. I know I'm cheap...but not that cheap!
    I'm of the same mind, especially since I have cats.
    I use kitty litter...it works perfect for my sticks. Got a 4 lb bag for 9 dollars at the grocery store.
    Check these out instead. They are made for this purpose, and they are cheap.

    Yeah, but you can't piss in your beads though :P
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    Beads are awesome, I have been using them now for over a year. Only wish I could find them little cheaper than the heartfelt site.
    There are some other sites that sell "generic" versions of it. I've heard of Ebay selling them for pretty cheap. I've even heard of people using silica cat litter.
    yeah, ive heard of that kitty litter thing....but I just can't bring myself to put killy litter in my humi. I know I'm cheap...but not that cheap!
    I'm of the same mind, especially since I have cats.
    I use kitty litter...it works perfect for my sticks. Got a 4 lb bag for 9 dollars at the grocery store.
    Check these out instead. They are made for this purpose, and they are cheap.

    Yeah, but you can't piss in your beads though :P
    SURE you can... but I personally wouldn't use them for cigar humidification AFTER I had done so.
    You can do what you like tho bro'. Sick Bass-****. LMAO
  • Smoke=FireSmoke=Fire Posts: 692 ✭✭✭
    Beads are awesome, I have been using them now for over a year. Only wish I could find them little cheaper than the heartfelt site.
    There are some other sites that sell "generic" versions of it. I've heard of Ebay selling them for pretty cheap. I've even heard of people using silica cat litter.
    yeah, ive heard of that kitty litter thing....but I just can't bring myself to put killy litter in my humi. I know I'm cheap...but not that cheap!
    I'm of the same mind, especially since I have cats.
    I use kitty litter...it works perfect for my sticks. Got a 4 lb bag for 9 dollars at the grocery store.
    Check these out instead. They are made for this purpose, and they are cheap.

    Yeah, but you can't piss in your beads though :P
    SURE you can... but I personally wouldn't use them for cigar humidification AFTER I had done so.
    You can do what you like tho bro'. Sick Bass-****. LMAO
    Maybe that's why the guys at work don't want a stogie after they see me "humidifying" :P
  • kaelariakaelaria Posts: 572
    The silica litter physically works well to control the humidity - but it's a major PITA to use in the humidor because of dust. Silica dust is NOT something you want to be burning and inhaling. Even using pantyhose, the litter has such fine particles it gets everywhere and makes a dusty mess - there's just no way to contain it outside of a big dish, and that doesn't fit in most humidors nor is it practical. Beads on the market are significantly larger particles and can be used in mesh tubes, hose, etc. and are dust free. I have several pounds of it in a few gallon ziplocks now wondering what I'll do with it :) It was a $7 experiment! The cheap beads are a great product too, but I like 65% and unfortunately very few vendors offer them.
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    The silica litter physically works well to control the humidity - but it's a major PITA to use in the humidor because of dust. Silica dust is NOT something you want to be burning and inhaling. Even using pantyhose, the litter has such fine particles it gets everywhere and makes a dusty mess - there's just no way to contain it outside of a big dish, and that doesn't fit in most humidors nor is it practical. Beads on the market are significantly larger particles and can be used in mesh tubes, hose, etc. and are dust free. I have several pounds of it in a few gallon ziplocks now wondering what I'll do with it :) It was a $7 experiment! The cheap beads are a great product too, but I like 65% and unfortunately very few vendors offer them.
    The beads I linked to above come in 65% & 70%. I run the 65% beads and range from 63 - 68% same as the Heartfelt beads.
  • kaelariakaelaria Posts: 572
    Yep they would be one of those very few - and a great deal :)
  • The CankThe Cank Posts: 799
    I had 2 pounds from barginhumidors.com they work great
  • GoldyGoldy Posts: 1,638 ✭✭
    Beads are awesome, I have been using them now for over a year. Only wish I could find them little cheaper than the heartfelt site.
    There are some other sites that sell "generic" versions of it. I've heard of Ebay selling them for pretty cheap. I've even heard of people using silica cat litter.
    yeah, ive heard of that kitty litter thing....but I just can't bring myself to put killy litter in my humi. I know I'm cheap...but not that cheap!
    I'm of the same mind, especially since I have cats.
    I use kitty litter...it works perfect for my sticks. Got a 4 lb bag for 9 dollars at the grocery store.
    Check these out instead. They are made for this purpose, and they are cheap.

    Yeah, but you can't piss in your beads though :P
    SURE you can... but I personally wouldn't use them for cigar humidification AFTER I had done so.
    You can do what you like tho bro'. Sick Bass-****. LMAO
    Maybe that's why the guys at work don't want a stogie after they see me "humidifying" :P

    They're just infused.
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    Beads are awesome, I have been using them now for over a year. Only wish I could find them little cheaper than the heartfelt site.
    There are some other sites that sell "generic" versions of it. I've heard of Ebay selling them for pretty cheap. I've even heard of people using silica cat litter.
    yeah, ive heard of that kitty litter thing....but I just can't bring myself to put killy litter in my humi. I know I'm cheap...but not that cheap!
    I'm of the same mind, especially since I have cats.
    I use kitty litter...it works perfect for my sticks. Got a 4 lb bag for 9 dollars at the grocery store.
    Check these out instead. They are made for this purpose, and they are cheap.

    Yeah, but you can't piss in your beads though :P
    SURE you can... but I personally wouldn't use them for cigar humidification AFTER I had done so.
    You can do what you like tho bro'. Sick Bass-****. LMAO
    Maybe that's why the guys at work don't want a stogie after they see me "humidifying" :P

    They're just infused.

    Oh BRAVO !!

  • Smoke=FireSmoke=Fire Posts: 692 ✭✭✭
    Beads are awesome, I have been using them now for over a year. Only wish I could find them little cheaper than the heartfelt site.
    There are some other sites that sell "generic" versions of it. I've heard of Ebay selling them for pretty cheap. I've even heard of people using silica cat litter.
    yeah, ive heard of that kitty litter thing....but I just can't bring myself to put killy litter in my humi. I know I'm cheap...but not that cheap!
    I'm of the same mind, especially since I have cats.
    I use kitty litter...it works perfect for my sticks. Got a 4 lb bag for 9 dollars at the grocery store.
    Check these out instead. They are made for this purpose, and they are cheap.

    Yeah, but you can't piss in your beads though :P
    SURE you can... but I personally wouldn't use them for cigar humidification AFTER I had done so.
    You can do what you like tho bro'. Sick Bass-****. LMAO
    Maybe that's why the guys at work don't want a stogie after they see me "humidifying" :P

    They're just infused.

    Oh BRAVO !!


    Let's just hope Jonathan Drew is not reading this thread :P
  • kaelaria:
    The silica litter physically works well to control the humidity - but it's a major PITA to use in the humidor because of dust. Silica dust is NOT something you want to be burning and inhaling. Even using pantyhose, the litter has such fine particles it gets everywhere and makes a dusty mess - there's just no way to contain it outside of a big dish, and that doesn't fit in most humidors nor is it practical. Beads on the market are significantly larger particles and can be used in mesh tubes, hose, etc. and are dust free. I have several pounds of it in a few gallon ziplocks now wondering what I'll do with it :) It was a $7 experiment! The cheap beads are a great product too, but I like 65% and unfortunately very few vendors offer them.
    FWIW, I've never had a dust problem with my kitty litter beads.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    The silica litter physically works well to control the humidity - but it's a major PITA to use in the humidor because of dust. Silica dust is NOT something you want to be burning and inhaling. Even using pantyhose, the litter has such fine particles it gets everywhere and makes a dusty mess - there's just no way to contain it outside of a big dish, and that doesn't fit in most humidors nor is it practical. Beads on the market are significantly larger particles and can be used in mesh tubes, hose, etc. and are dust free. I have several pounds of it in a few gallon ziplocks now wondering what I'll do with it :) It was a $7 experiment! The cheap beads are a great product too, but I like 65% and unfortunately very few vendors offer them.
    FWIW, I've never had a dust problem with my kitty litter beads.
    I doubt I will try the beads, I got a lot of money tied up in my humidor so it would just seem to me to be a unnecessary risk.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    The silica litter physically works well to control the humidity - but it's a major PITA to use in the humidor because of dust. Silica dust is NOT something you want to be burning and inhaling. Even using pantyhose, the litter has such fine particles it gets everywhere and makes a dusty mess - there's just no way to contain it outside of a big dish, and that doesn't fit in most humidors nor is it practical. Beads on the market are significantly larger particles and can be used in mesh tubes, hose, etc. and are dust free. I have several pounds of it in a few gallon ziplocks now wondering what I'll do with it :) It was a $7 experiment! The cheap beads are a great product too, but I like 65% and unfortunately very few vendors offer them.
    FWIW, I've never had a dust problem with my kitty litter beads.
    I doubt I will try the beads, I got a lot of money tied up in my humidor so it would just seem to me to be a unnecessary risk.
    Were you talking about the Kitty litter beads Krieg? Cause the actual beads are the best thing out there with VERY LITTLE "Risk". I would assume a lot of us who use beads also have a lot of money tied up in both humi's and the premium sticks in them, and I am sure none of us bead users are looking to risk our investments either. The beads are easy, reliable and now cheap too. WIN, WIN, WIN.

    JUst don't want to see some of the newer guy's get scared off of these beads when they are one of the BEST humidifiers on the market.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    The silica litter physically works well to control the humidity - but it's a major PITA to use in the humidor because of dust. Silica dust is NOT something you want to be burning and inhaling. Even using pantyhose, the litter has such fine particles it gets everywhere and makes a dusty mess - there's just no way to contain it outside of a big dish, and that doesn't fit in most humidors nor is it practical. Beads on the market are significantly larger particles and can be used in mesh tubes, hose, etc. and are dust free. I have several pounds of it in a few gallon ziplocks now wondering what I'll do with it :) It was a $7 experiment! The cheap beads are a great product too, but I like 65% and unfortunately very few vendors offer them.
    FWIW, I've never had a dust problem with my kitty litter beads.
    I doubt I will try the beads, I got a lot of money tied up in my humidor so it would just seem to me to be a unnecessary risk.
    Were you talking about the Kitty litter beads Krieg? Cause the actual beads are the best thing out there with VERY LITTLE "Risk". I would assume a lot of us who use beads also have a lot of money tied up in both humi's and the premium sticks in them, and I am sure none of us bead users are looking to risk our investments either. The beads are easy, reliable and now cheap too. WIN, WIN, WIN.

    JUst don't want to see some of the newer guy's get scared off of these beads when they are one of the BEST humidifiers on the market.
    Yeah, I was talking about the kitty litter beads. I already have about a pound of heartfelt beads in my humi now, and they do work great.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • doromathdoromath Posts: 576
    Just a few words of wisdom:

    I've been thinking about converting to beads (using gel from Drymistat, and it's working but I'm an engineer and want tighter control...duh) and so have been doing alot of reading on kitty litter vs. Heartfelt vs. Conservagel, etc...

    Well anyways my fiance and I had to pick up some cat food from the pet store and I slowed down around the kitty litter so I could scan for the 100% silica stuff...you know, just to look at it first hand (Though I've decided if I switch to beads it will be Conservagel).

    I slowed to the point of nearly stopping, eyese fixed to the wall O' litter and the look she gave me could not have said any clearer "WTF are you doing? Have you lost your mind?". Needless to say "I was looking for some kitty litter that I might use with my cigars" wasn't the clearest explanation :D

    So, for anyoneconsidering using the kitty litter beads I recommend you work on the delivery of the explaination to your significant other...

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