People Be Crazy

As some of you know, I ride my bicycle to the office every day. Been doing it for almost 2 years now. Today, I nearly had my first fistfight with a motorist.
This guy came up behind me as I was riding through a Wal-Mart parking lot and starts honking his horn. I was poking along behind the car in front of me, and there were pedestrians going every which way, so I had no reason to think he was honking at me and didn't even turn and look. Then when I turned to ride into the Target parking lot next door (we've got a Super Target right next to a Super Wal-Mart), he pulls up alongside me, honks again, then rolls down the passenger window and leans over, pokes his finger out at me, and shouts, "You are not a **** car! Get out of the way! Get off the **** road!"
I knew I wasn't holding him up in any way, and as I think I've mentioned on here before, I'm always extremely courteous on the roads because I know there's no future in making drivers angry at cyclists, even when the driver is in the wrong. But this guy just pissed me right the hell off. So I looked right at him and yelled, "Shut the *** up!"
Well, he didn't like that one bit. He gunned his engine and swerved over behind me, like he was trying to make me think he was going to run me down. I ignored him. Then he pulled up alongside again and poked his finger out at me and yelled, "You are not a **** car! You've got no right! Get off the **** road!"
So I turned and yelled, "I've got the same right to the road that a car does! Ask your **** lawyer!"
Then he repeated the bit about me not being a **** car (which, truth be told, I already knew) and added, "I'm gonna beat your **** ass!" Well, I had completely had it with this guy by then, so I said, "Come on, then."
I pulled up onto the curb in front of Target to lock my bike to the rack, like always, and he went and parked. It takes me a couple of minutes to lock my bike up, so I was still standing there when he came walking up to the store. Instead of going to the door, he came over toward me. He got within, I dunno, about 15 feet, and shouted, "Did you say 'come on'?!" I looked at him and shrugged and said, "Yeah, if that's what you want to do, let's get it over with."
At that point he looked to his left and saw a police car parked there. He looked back at me and said, "If the cops weren't here, you'd be in trouble!" Then he walked on into Target.
A guy walking by as I finished locking up my bike rolled his eyes and smiled and said, "Kind of a hothead, huh?" I chuckled and said yeah, I guess so. Then I went on into the store to get my bagels. The cop was standing just inside the door, so I told him what happened and gave him the guy's license plate number. No idea if he did anything about it. I went on about my business.
I'll admit I could've handled the situation better than I did, but, damnation, this guy was just 100% out of line. Way, way out of line.
So, anyway, yeah, I could've handled it better, but, honestly, what is wrong with people?
This guy came up behind me as I was riding through a Wal-Mart parking lot and starts honking his horn. I was poking along behind the car in front of me, and there were pedestrians going every which way, so I had no reason to think he was honking at me and didn't even turn and look. Then when I turned to ride into the Target parking lot next door (we've got a Super Target right next to a Super Wal-Mart), he pulls up alongside me, honks again, then rolls down the passenger window and leans over, pokes his finger out at me, and shouts, "You are not a **** car! Get out of the way! Get off the **** road!"
I knew I wasn't holding him up in any way, and as I think I've mentioned on here before, I'm always extremely courteous on the roads because I know there's no future in making drivers angry at cyclists, even when the driver is in the wrong. But this guy just pissed me right the hell off. So I looked right at him and yelled, "Shut the *** up!"
Well, he didn't like that one bit. He gunned his engine and swerved over behind me, like he was trying to make me think he was going to run me down. I ignored him. Then he pulled up alongside again and poked his finger out at me and yelled, "You are not a **** car! You've got no right! Get off the **** road!"
So I turned and yelled, "I've got the same right to the road that a car does! Ask your **** lawyer!"
Then he repeated the bit about me not being a **** car (which, truth be told, I already knew) and added, "I'm gonna beat your **** ass!" Well, I had completely had it with this guy by then, so I said, "Come on, then."
I pulled up onto the curb in front of Target to lock my bike to the rack, like always, and he went and parked. It takes me a couple of minutes to lock my bike up, so I was still standing there when he came walking up to the store. Instead of going to the door, he came over toward me. He got within, I dunno, about 15 feet, and shouted, "Did you say 'come on'?!" I looked at him and shrugged and said, "Yeah, if that's what you want to do, let's get it over with."
At that point he looked to his left and saw a police car parked there. He looked back at me and said, "If the cops weren't here, you'd be in trouble!" Then he walked on into Target.
A guy walking by as I finished locking up my bike rolled his eyes and smiled and said, "Kind of a hothead, huh?" I chuckled and said yeah, I guess so. Then I went on into the store to get my bagels. The cop was standing just inside the door, so I told him what happened and gave him the guy's license plate number. No idea if he did anything about it. I went on about my business.
I'll admit I could've handled the situation better than I did, but, damnation, this guy was just 100% out of line. Way, way out of line.
So, anyway, yeah, I could've handled it better, but, honestly, what is wrong with people?
should have tried to get in front of him in the line and stalled him there
You're riding safely and this dude flips, bro you handled it well.
Keep your cool, guys like him are hotheads till someone badder fecks em up.
He will be the cause of his own destruction.
But I'm not one of those cyclists, and I wasn't holding this guy up one iota. If I had been sitting at home on the couch, this guy couldn't have gone 1 mph faster through that parking lot. Not unless he was planning to run over half a dozen pedestrians and plow into the back of the car that was in front of me. I was going as fast as it was possible for either of us to go.
That's why it pissed me off so much.
I used to bike to class all the time in college and had a run-in once. It was surprising since the campus was very bike friendly and car-prohibitive. I was in the left turn lane at a red light waiting for it to turn green and this guy out of nowhere comes up VERY close to my rear tire. The light turned green and he's riding right on me into the middle of the intersection, at which point he GUNS it, swerves around me into the oncoming traffic lane (which was empty) honks and flips me off.
As it happens the way we were both headed had an extremely steep downward grade so I pedalled it hard and caught up with him half-way to the next red-light. He had the windows up and didn't notice me as I coasted up on his passenger side. I took out my pocket knife (which isn't all that impressive), tapped it on his window and gave him a shrug when he looked over. He was definitely startled and didn't look like he wanted to carry the discussion any further...
Large over-reaction on my part as well but damn it's frustrating when you're that exposed and folks (idiots) play around with you. Hope your commute goes better in the future.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
No lie, I have legitimately lifted a car's back end off the ground - watch the guy want to f*ck with you when his car won't move ;-) lol...
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
I like to ride my bike in the forest preserves. Much more quiet and safe. Just have to dodge the occasional whino passed out on the trail.... LOL!
That's a helluva lift. This guy was driving a Nissan, though, so you'd have to lift the front end -- which would really be a helluva lift.
I've got a little self-defense training. Just enough that, when crap like this comes up, I have a plan and enough practice that I can execute it quickly and effectively. I'm certainly no bad-ass, but it gives me an advantage over most people. And having been the smallest kid in my class/neighborhood all the way through high school, I don't have to decide on the spot whether or not I'm willing to take a beating if necessary; that decision was made long, long ago. I'm not going to let somebody treat me like they can whoop me without first proving they can do it. My experience has been that about 90% of people don't have the heart to actually attack somebody when it comes right down to it (which is a character strength, in my book), most of the other 10% don't have any idea what they're doing once it starts, and even of the ones who really can get the job done, very, very few can do it without taking more punishment in the process than it's worth.
One thing to keep in mind is you almost never have to pass a cyclist at any given moment. You can wait until the other car gets by. I know that seems easy for me to say, since I'm the cyclist. OTOH, I've only been cycling for 2 years, and I've been driving since I was 14. I know it's annoying to have to slow way down. It's why I stay as far out of the way as I possibly can, and never ride where the speed limit is that high.