HC Bill Rant

I really hate getting political, but sometimes obvious hypocrisy must be pointed out.
Six things about this HC bill really stand out as mind boggling to me:
1) It has no single payer structure, which libs insisted on
2) It has no public option, which libs insisted on when their single-payer demands fell apart
3) it mandates that all Americans must buy health insurance from the insurance companies that libs insisted were the Evil Empire destroying healthcare
4) it doesn't start until after congress has been realigned in November, thereby raising the problem of getting funding approval
5) it has a growing body of states challenging it in the courts
6) and finally, it suits libs to a tee because they have lowered their demands so far they can actually imagine it "working" for them. LOL! (This one's more of my opinion. Just had to throw it in there)
Six things about this HC bill really stand out as mind boggling to me:
1) It has no single payer structure, which libs insisted on
2) It has no public option, which libs insisted on when their single-payer demands fell apart
3) it mandates that all Americans must buy health insurance from the insurance companies that libs insisted were the Evil Empire destroying healthcare
4) it doesn't start until after congress has been realigned in November, thereby raising the problem of getting funding approval
5) it has a growing body of states challenging it in the courts
6) and finally, it suits libs to a tee because they have lowered their demands so far they can actually imagine it "working" for them. LOL! (This one's more of my opinion. Just had to throw it in there)
Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..
People from countries with socialized medicine are upset. They will have no place to go for good medical treatment as they depended on the U.S. because their own medical programs were useless.
Let's hope the Supreme Court does its job and sends it back to a more balanced Congress after November. I have a feeling that those Representatives and Senators who ignored the clear wishes of their constituents, are going to feel their wrath in November.
End of Rant
I couldn't imagine having to pay out of pocket for insurance. I don't know how some people do it. But if premiums keep going up for my employer, I could definitely foresee them pulling the plug on that part of our benefits. It's scary times we live in......
btw I'm only looking for information, I know this law was one of the worst things to happen to american freedoms and health care in a very long time. I just want some proof....
"For all the political and economic uncertainties about health reform, at least one thing seems clear: The bill that President Obama signed on Tuesday is the federal governments biggest attack on economic inequality since inequality began rising more than three decades ago.
Over most of that period, government policy and market forces have been moving in the same direction, both increasing inequality. The pretax incomes of the wealthy have soared since the late 1970s, while their tax rates have fallen more than rates for the middle class and poor.
Nearly every major aspect of the health bill pushes in the other direction. This fact helps explain why Mr. Obama was willing to spend so much political capital on the issue, even though it did not appear to be his top priority as a presidential candidate. Beyond the health reforms effect on the medical system, it is the centerpiece of his deliberate effort to end what historians have called the age of Reagan."
They just said that this entire bill was about "re-distribution of wealth" which is a main concept of socialism and Marxist theory. All along the NYT and the Democratic party said this bill was about providing health care for every American, when in reality it was about re-distribution of wealth and social justice, which we knew all along. Here is the link to the full story on NTY's website.
Thomas Jefferson
if you were referring to the government doing something about "the health care industry" in specific you should reconsider. part of the reason why insurance and health care cost so much is because of Government regulation and intervention. every mandate that the government enacts, every regulation that needs to be followed, every layer of Bureaucracy added to an already complex, high demand,( and due to research, development, equipment, etc) potentially high cost industry will only cause the price to go higher.
first, you are getting charged the full amount. your insurance (that you have been paying into) covers the the part you dont see.
second, you have identified part of the problem. there is a government mandate that a hospital MUST treat you even though you cannot pay. there is no other business or industry that works this way. it is unsustainable. so you are right, they have to cover the costs somehow. those who can pay, must pay more. but they wont.
why not?
the people that didnt have insurance before this bill didnt have it for one of three reasons
1) they didnt WANT insurance. sounds crazy, i know, but it happens.
2) they could not afford insurance
3) they had a pre-existing condition that made them un-insurable
when group one (those who dont want insurance) gets insurance by mandate, they will help bring down the cost. people that dont want insurance tend to be healthy young people. they will have no pay out only pay in, thus adding to the solvency of the company.
when people from group two (those who cannot afford insurance) are mandated to have insurance, this does not mean that they will magically be able to afford it. this then gets back to the point that you brought up of "They have to get their money from somewhere." again, we are back to those who can afford it paying extra.
when people from group three (those who had a pre-existing condition that made them un-insurable) are mandated to get insurance (and the companies must insure them) this opens up yet another cost adding issue.
insurance is a service that weighs cost against risk.
when you get insurance on your house that covers a fire, they are weighing the chances of your house going up in flames based on many factors (how old it is, if you have a fire place, life style, etc...). if you have a low risk of having a fire, you pay less on your premium. if you are high risk, you pay more. this difference in premium helps keep the company solvent. If you mandate that everyone can insure their house against fire even if it is already on fire, then we know for sure that the insurance company will have to pay out. your premium will be super high.
enter price controls.
remember the line "they have to get their money from somewhere" ?
guess who pays the bills after price controls go into effect. Taxpayers.
apply that to medical insurance. wait till december or january or whenever your company adjusts the rates for medical insurance. every time the government gives somebody something, they must first take something away from others.
this eats away at our rights. and it seems that the more "decisions" the government makes, the more rights are taken away. i would much rather have a government make NO decisions, than make a decision that is diametrically opposed to the original stated intent of the founding documents. (to uphold the rights of the individual) THAT, we can agree on. However, more of what caused the problem (government) will not solve it you are far more optimistic than I.
This happened long before this bill was passed or even submitted. Health care cost has been on an unacceptable rise for over 10 years now.!
Sure its not due to capitolist greed?
With regard to my Health Insurance premium raising, yes it has gone up a little all the time but for it to go up $190 a month in one billing cycle is ridiculous and it happened because the insurance companies have to raise their rates to fill their coffers in preparation for all the fraud and problems they are about to face when the new law goes into effect. I am essentially paying for someone else's fraud and problems paying their bill. I already pay taxes that I HAVE to pay to provide healthcare for the "poor and destitue" and now I have to pay more on a private level because I am a responsible person who has carried private health care for 9 years. It's a travesty that I am being forced to pay for someone's problems in my taxes. It's illegal that I am paying for the same problems privately if I choose to keep my Health Insurance. This is the start of making things so unaffordable that we have no choice but to switch over to a future social program, thus widening the gap between the "Have's" and the "Have-not's"
the govermnent does all this while running so far in the negative that if any single corporation ran that poorly it would be out of business in under a year. THAT is greed
on another note, corporations that are truly greedy have a tendency to fall out of the market quickly.
because someone that wants to compete with that corporation will come alone at some point and undercut the "greedy" corporations prices with a product that is basically the same thing. that is the beauty of a free market.
1. Why did success and profit become a bad thing in our country?
2. Why did self preservation for a company become greed?
Exactly the problem with the left's thinking. Furthermore, greed is a very subjective term that no one can legitimately give an all encompassing definition of. It is subjective specifically to the person defining it at a set moment in time and is different from person to person, and moment to moment