Just trying to help...

So I'm out having a few cocktails with the guys from work. One sees me prepping my stogie and he starts asking some questions. Turns out he's in a wedding party and the blessed event is in about a month. He wants to surprise everybody with some great sticks.
I offer to set him up - gratis. He asks what I have and I reply a bit of everything, I assure him I won't be giving him any duds. He wants brands etc. so I name a few...then I ask if he is looking for something specific. No he says, I'm gonna check your sh*t on line to see if it's worth it. I try to explain that price isn't everything and he wants to know what my most expensive sticks are. At that point I tell him I'm just trying to help and let it drop.
I was trying to be gracious, WTF went wrong???
I offer to set him up - gratis. He asks what I have and I reply a bit of everything, I assure him I won't be giving him any duds. He wants brands etc. so I name a few...then I ask if he is looking for something specific. No he says, I'm gonna check your sh*t on line to see if it's worth it. I try to explain that price isn't everything and he wants to know what my most expensive sticks are. At that point I tell him I'm just trying to help and let it drop.
I was trying to be gracious, WTF went wrong???
Here's hoping that his cigar bar is chock full o Sol Cubano Artisans! Try this - next time you talk to him, tell him that something came up & you had to get rid of your smokes... meaning HE is going to have to pay for his cigars. See if that changes his viewpoint any. :-)
EDIT - this reminded me of the Camacho promo, The Black Band Project; even though it's a promo, the video's make a good point about some cigar smokers: http://www.blackbandproject.com/
Doesn't really bother me. But it is easy to embrace when it is making you money. Doesn't really matter how much they are going to like it or dislike it. They can use the above buzz words to impress friends.
Ar=fter the response you got from him... I would just give him C.COM's web address and tell him to look around the site and let him pick and pay for his own. Then maybe he will see there are thousands of sticks out there and they don't all have to carry a "Brand" name to be good. But hey, you tried to help, so let him figure it out for himself. You are still providing him with the address so he can still do his thing.
You are a great BOTL Larry.
I suppose I have some "mild" Camachos I can part with, but I'll feel bad if his brothers puked after the baby is delivered. 5 Vegas Gold it is.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
In this instance, the groom isnt asking the right questions which is alerting us to his immature experience or NO experience with cigars. Once we are alerted to this, we can ask questions of him to the point of saying, "Ok, so you dont really know what you want, let me suggest................, if he takes your advice great! If not, just catch and release.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain