Needing some Prayers here guys
Hey Guys,
I have had one thing after another Hit the Fan In My family in the last 2 weeks. Daughter(Stepdaughter) , Step Mom, has some bad health Issues in Ohio, My mother is Very Ill In Ohio , and I just found out that My sons Mother is up to her old tricks Drin king and Possibly druggin back in Ohio. There is alot and I mean Alot of BAD History there..... She gets clean and stays clean for a period , then disapears, anyway its UGLY, My son means the world to me he is a great kid, 4.2 student, Plays several sports , is in the band , and numerous other Activities in School. I am in another situration to possibly have to fight another MAJOR legal Battle, I have had Custody of My son for 7 years and when i got married and Moved to California, his mother had been clean for 7 years and I wasnt going to take my son out of his school ot away from his freinds so his mother and I came to an agreement and he stayed in Ohio with her. NOW THIS *** ............. I have a good strong support group and a Faith in the creator that all will be ok, without getting into all the GORY SICK TWISTED DETAILS I would appreciate prayers for My Family and My son. and I could use a couple myself.
Thanks for letting me vent,
Thanks for letting me vent,