Crazy Ex Wife Thread

If you have a crazy ex wife let it be known. I have the craziest ex wife in the world and I can beat any story you have hands down. I guarantee it and that is very disturbing. Some things will make you laugh, some things will make you cry, some things will disturb you and give you nightmares. Many of you would call social services or the police on my behalf.
I just wanted to give us all a place to vent a little. Let's keep it somewhat clean and support each other. I am sure with our various experiences we can help support a BOTL through some tough terrible times and help him keep his cool.
Hi, my name is Jake and I have a CrAzY ex-wife!
I just wanted to give us all a place to vent a little. Let's keep it somewhat clean and support each other. I am sure with our various experiences we can help support a BOTL through some tough terrible times and help him keep his cool.
Hi, my name is Jake and I have a CrAzY ex-wife!
The good side is that I will be getting custody of one of my children thanks to the X-Wife's crazyness.
My X-wife once wrote a check for nearly $500.00 of groceries on an account that had no where near enough to cover it (and she knew that). The grocery store was a customer of mine because I delivered their beef and other meat products at that time. My boss fired me over it. I got my job back when I brought in the check and my boss compared the signature on the check to my weekly pay stubs that I signed. She could tell right away that it was not my signature, AND I had to pay the grocery store to cover the check.
My X-wife began hitting me one night because I mistakenly folded 'dirty laundry' with the clean stuff. It was all in one pile, so I had no idea some was clean and some wasn't.
My X-wife told me that I was "not allowed to say hi to the dog or kids before giving her a proper Hello when I get home from work".
. At the marriage councelor's meeting, she told the councelor that I was never home because of fishing and hunting and going to bars. My fishing/hunting license had expired 8 months earlier, and I had not been out to a bar in over 3 years!!!
I can't thank you enough for giving me a place to vent. It's been 10 years since we broke up, and I wish it was 22!
Haha L3sbian got censored.
My first ever girlfriend dumped me for another girl and so did my last girlfriend before I met my wife.
I have stories...I'm not sure they would top JSnake's, but I bet I could give almost anyone a run for their money.
I'm not one to air my dirty laundry publicly though, so I'm not keen on posting them here. However, at any future herfs I may make it to I would be more than happy to share some of my stories over a stogie and a handfull of single malt.
To the other BOTLs here with crazy ex-wives, or those working through that process: I feel your pain. Just know that life gets better when you make it better.
... yup, thats an engineer for ya! :-)
Besides, giving away everything you own every so often keeps you humble!