Kagan SC nomination

At first blush, the nomimation of Kagan for Supreme Court justice seems more than a little worrisome. No judicial experience? Supreme Court seems likes the wrong place to "learn on the job."
Les.bi.an. (wow, the word *** is banned? Really??)
No Judicial experience
At some point the GOP and Dems need to fill judicial roles with people that better represent the people of America and their values/beliefs.
PS - Is it really that hard for Democrats to find an semi-attractive woman within their ranks to appoint?
But anyways, last night she was addressing the nomination of this Kagan lady (who, BTW, is a HOTTIE) and she actually didn't do a very favorable analysis. She played a clip of a little exchange between Kagen and Justice Roberts over The Citizens United v FEC. I think Rachel was trying to make Roberts look like an overbearing bully who was picking on poor little Kagen. But all she did was make Kagen look like a babbling 2nd year law student who was out of her league. Rachel then went on to point out that while Kagen was Dean of Harvard Law, she had a less than favorable hiring record. Kagen hired mostly evil white disgusting men and only a few highly qualified awesome women and minorities. For shame, Kagen!!!
Contradictions were abounding on the Maddow Show last night......
Bottom line is that this nomination should not come as a surprise to anyone. It's funny that Obama was just in front of the podium the other day shaking his finger at the media for telling lies about him and his administration. His finger was obviously pointed at his rightwing naysayers. But I have to believe that Obama doesn't give one crap about what the right has to say about anything. I think what really bothers him is the criticism he's been getting from the left. They're obviously not completely satisfied with his presidency to-date. This nomination was an obvious "olive branch" to his voting base (or, as we call it in my line of work: "a real brown-nose move"). Experience and qualifications be damned. Obama was gunning for a liberal white lady, preferably of the l e s b i a n persuasion. I think this, again, reveals that Obama has absolutely no interest in transparency and fairness. He gonna do what HE wants to do and what HE thinks his voting base wants. Rest of the country can kiss his ass, apparently.
You got what you voted for, America: A Chicago politician in the WH. Congrats.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
All I need to know. The Constitution means NOTHING to this woman. Silence, serf.