Movie Reboots

This is the current trend in Hollywood, because they have run out of original ideas and they got tired of turning books into movies. The bright side is that there are some movies I wouldn't mind being rebooted since the first attempts were so botched. These are movies that I thought had a lot of potential to be at least decent and worth a matinee.
Superman Returns
Star Wars I, II, III (especially II)
Any other movies that fit the bill?
Superman Returns
Star Wars I, II, III (especially II)
Any other movies that fit the bill?
But in general I think reboots are a bad idea. I have yet to see many that are any good and those that I do like more are short and few. I can think of the HIlls Have Eyes as one of them.
While it would be nice to see a more faithful adaptation of Congo, that keeps with the tone of the novel better... it's still one of Michael Crichton's weaker efforts, and would inevitably be just as campy as the original film.
I am 100% opposed to remakes 99% of the time
Some of the best films in a few genres have been remakes (most notably The Fly (1986, Cronenberg) and The Thing (1982, Carpenter)) but recently the remake craze seems only to exist to show off CGI, and make money off of audiences who are unaware of the original. Clash of the Titans comes to mind. As a kid I LOVED the Harryhausen film. I appreciated the nod to the mechanical owl in the remake, but otherwise is was horrendous. No one that I went to see the remake with knew what the Owl was, and half of them didn't even realize it was a remake. I think this is a shame. On one hand, yes, a filmgoer should be able to walk into a theatre and enjoy a movie without knowing the history behind its production, and all of the intertextual statements being made, but at the same time, there is a lack of quality and depth of production and artistry in American cinema today. Everything is a cut and paste hack and slash in and out production.
I don't see a lot of films in theatres these days, simply because so much of what Hollywood is doing is crap, and I prefer to weed through the drivel once DVDs are available, and save my money (for cigars).
He was out of the biz for as long time battling addiction and caught a break for a comback. He also has horrible acne scars that done really help actors out much.