Boycott Arizona???........Nah.

These are scary times we live in, fellas. Political correctness is getting in the way of personal freedom. Now before you bawk and say, "What? That's crazy talk.....", just remember this:
Before 9/11, nine of the 19 terrorists involved in the attack on the WTC were stopped by law enforcement for various reasons and found to have expired visas. Due to most state's and municipalities' "Sanctuary Laws" for undocumented persons, they were not detained for further investigation.
Now whether you lean right or left on this issue, you can't argue the fact that if we had tougher laws and practices on enforcing illegal immigration, nearly 3,000 innocent people might still be alive today.
We can argue for years on the merits and political correctness of the AZ immigration law, but what's real scary about the whole thing are the various boycotts against the state of AZ that have been popping up all over the country. From CA's hypocritical punishments to a high school canceling a basketball team's trip to AZ for a tourney, they're misdirected, at best. They will only go to hurt the citizens, tax payers of AZ and innocent teenagers, not the politicians they are directed at.
Whether you agree with me on this issue or not, I think there's one thing we can ALL agree on...... we love cigars. So, if you don't agree with the boycotts, I suggest the following: make your next on-line or in-person purchase of cigars be from an Arizona cigar company or B&M.
It's just that simple to make a statement and do what you love at the same time. I know my next purchase, and maybe a few more, will be from AZ. No reason for the hardworking people of AZ to suffer while, people who don't have to live in AZ or know what they're dealing with, see fit to punish them.
Before 9/11, nine of the 19 terrorists involved in the attack on the WTC were stopped by law enforcement for various reasons and found to have expired visas. Due to most state's and municipalities' "Sanctuary Laws" for undocumented persons, they were not detained for further investigation.
Now whether you lean right or left on this issue, you can't argue the fact that if we had tougher laws and practices on enforcing illegal immigration, nearly 3,000 innocent people might still be alive today.
We can argue for years on the merits and political correctness of the AZ immigration law, but what's real scary about the whole thing are the various boycotts against the state of AZ that have been popping up all over the country. From CA's hypocritical punishments to a high school canceling a basketball team's trip to AZ for a tourney, they're misdirected, at best. They will only go to hurt the citizens, tax payers of AZ and innocent teenagers, not the politicians they are directed at.
Whether you agree with me on this issue or not, I think there's one thing we can ALL agree on...... we love cigars. So, if you don't agree with the boycotts, I suggest the following: make your next on-line or in-person purchase of cigars be from an Arizona cigar company or B&M.
It's just that simple to make a statement and do what you love at the same time. I know my next purchase, and maybe a few more, will be from AZ. No reason for the hardworking people of AZ to suffer while, people who don't have to live in AZ or know what they're dealing with, see fit to punish them.
Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..
DRUGS and GANG Violence is the ROOT of it ALL! How Many WHite AMERICAN GANGS do you SEE?
Hells ANgels, OUTLAWS, KKK.............. It is an Intersting DEBATE that I am sure will continue on through History,
AMERICA IS IN THE **** PERIOD and it is DUE to Our OPEN BOARDER POLICYS over the Last 250 Years and then SOME!
Recent poll found that:
52% of Democrats support the new law
82% of Republicans support the new law
54% of Independants support the law
Overall, 73% of all Americans support the new law
Seems the media are the only ones who don't like the law
No one is getting stopped on the way to the Dairy Queen and asked for their papers, no matter how much Obambi wants you to believe it. If you aren't picked up for committing a crime, your status is not getting checked. If they check everyone's status who gets picked up, it's not profiling, is it? This system has been working well in my county for over two years.
To say that our country "relies" on the cheap labor being provided by illegal immigrants is more propaganda. Businesses and corporations take advantage of, but don't rely on, cheap labor. It's unfortunate that we've somehow grown accustomed to the theory that if we did away with cheap illegal immigrant labor that we'd be left with jobs that no people want and companies that can't afford to pay fair wages for.
I only brought up the terrorist example to show how useful a tool this is to law enforcement, in general. Not necessarily a anti-terrorism tool. And domestic terrorism is a whole 'nother seperate issue....
While the powers that be argue and debate over the Constitution and political correctness, the good people of AZ will suffer the fallout either way.
One think I sort of agree on with one of their new laws is the ethnic studies bill or what-ever they called it. I do think that if you can't speak English then you don't get to go to school or you need to pay for private schools. Here in Oregon a law passed, or is in the process to allow students who can't speak english to take tests in their own language in order to graduate. I find that very, very wrong. Just my opinion, however I don't think if someone has an accent or doesn't sound white they should be fired or replaced as the bill sort of outlines. I just have a problem with someone not being able to read/write/speak this countries natural language especially when their getting their education paid by the american taxpayers.
Boiling it down to economics, if you had the option of hiring one guy or three guys for the same pay, the most profitable option is to go with the three guys.
Im all for hard working peoples of all nationalities coming to the land of opportunity to better themselves, but fer Chrissakes, do it the right way!
(blood pressure spiking... rant - OFF)
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
it may be a crime that needs to be stopped but making a boarder guard the judge, jury, and executioner for a crime that hardly deserves death as a sentence, that is a glaring problem.
i understand the argument that the death penalty is the price you pay for serious crimes but im not sure i can make a case that crossing a boarder illegally is on par with murder and rape.
yes its a problem, but cant there be other ways to solve the problem other than violating the right to life?
what about enforcing the rules about hiring illegals? if there is no work for them they will not come here right?
>im in favor of a fence, wall, barbed wire, but death without trial? iduno.... thats a bit unconstitutional.
edit: i do agree that we use the death penalty too sparingly. i support arizona with the tough laws. i support their products. like many many issues, i believe there is a solution that can be found that does not violate the rights of the individual.
why dont we shoot everyone that smokes weed too. if you dont smoke weed you wont have anything to worry about.
while we are at it, how about we shoot everyone that violates their probation even if its just to go out of state to visit family? dont visit family and you wont have to worry about getting shot.
ooh! how about we shoot people for pilfering bread to feed their family? heck, why dont we have an on the spot death penalty for EVERY non-violent crime in the US. no judge. no jury... just death
while we are violating rights...
then how about we empower the government to search our houses every day? if you have nothing to hide why is this a problem?
the crime and punishment do not fall in line here at all.
The difference Kuzi is that all those things are indeed small crimes (in the grand scheme)---and while you may say so is illegal border crossing...EVERYTHING done in this country once you have crossed the border is done under a fallacy or false pretenses. Just by being here, your commiting a crime in addition to whatever else you may or may not do illegally. Its not ok to commit crimes, but the act of JUST COMING here is a crime....if they're willing to break our laws to get here, why should I trust them to be good citizens otherwise???Sorry, not bending here. Dont come, nothing to worry about. Do it legally like so many easter Europeans have over the years...and dont ask for my pity, my health care, or a drivers license.
its just a bit extreme given the crime.
its like shooting someone for trespassing even if they have yet to hurt/rape/rob/or set foot in the house, just on the property. it a bit extreme.
He brought up a real good point about all of this that I think people tend to lose focus on. People always bring up the notion that this law may, in some way, unfairly target certain individuals and punish the hardworking illegal immigrants who just want a piece of the "American Dream". This law means different things to different people. I think we can all agree that anyone who wants to come to this country and find honest work and make a life for them and their family, should be welcomed with open arms. We do have a process for this. And while it may be flawed and slow, it's all we got right now. But I think the people we forget about are the ones who have had the "American Dream" taken from them. There are families sitting at dinner every night staring at an empty chair where Dad or Mom used to sit. Too many law enforcement and border patrol agents have lost their lives trying to enforce the laws of this country. If this law saves one officer's life for every 10 hardworking illegal immigrants deported, then it's worth it.
Oh and BTW, to get back to the original intention of this thread. Cigar King in Scottsdale is running some great specials this week. Check out their website and buy some gars!!!!