Hi Guys Sorry for My absence but when it rains it poors. Please pray for my family
Hello Friends,
This note comes to you from Maria and I with Heavy Hearts and Faith In the Power of Prayer.
We Humbly ask that hose of you that are pipe carriers Please Fill your Chanupas for our Mothers. in the last week we have had a Landslide of Family and health Issues explode like a volcano before us. on Mothers Day we received news of Maria's Mother being diagnosed with lung cancer. It was found when Maria's mother was being treated for what as thought to be pneumonia. In X-rays a spot on her lungs and a mass in her chest cavity were found. After a biopsy last Friday it was determined she indeed had an aggressive small cell cancer in her chest ,lungs and lymph nodes in her left arm. Since That diagnosis the doctors have found cancer in her spine,tailbone and hip. The doctors are working feverishly to prepare an aggressive attack to these sinister cells. We hold faith that she will overcome this with the help of the creator an all your prayers. Her Name is Kathy Cherubini she is 67 years old. Today she seemed in good spirits and understands the severe nature of her illness.
This evening I received news that my Mother Loretta Osborne had a racing heart and sought help through her Heart Doctors that found she has complete blockage of two major arteries going to her heart and started immediate medications to thin her blood and have ordered more tests.My mother had a triple by pass 6 years ago and since has had several stints placed in her arteries.My mother has diabetes and is 75 years old.
To say the least we are overwhelmed with all of this being 3000 miles away from our family's. WE are being still and asking for guidance through prayer and meditation. Along with all this Maria's Daughter is graduating from college next weekend and Maria is trying to prepare her school for their graduation.
We are in the process of trying to figure out Travel plans and how we are going to afford all the travel that we foresee in the immediate future. WE are asking for prayers and positive energy to be sent to our family's.
Thank you in advance,
Maria And Ozzie
My wife and I are praying for your family. I live in the Monterey area. If there's anything I can do to help, just say the word.
+1 Thoughts are with you and your family.
Thanks Bro ! I really Appreciate the Love and Payers man its ruff , Ive been through it with My Father 5 years ago. It isnt an easy thing. Peace.