Perdomo Lot 23

Here I am, sitting in my local B&M at 1:00pm all by myself aside from the newly hired young lady working behind the bar (whom seems to know absolutely nothing about cigars but bless her heart she has tried really hard to hold conversations with me about them). I brought with me a Perdomo 23 which I just received on Saturday from a DD last week. The price seemed right (a little over 2 per stick) so I picked them up in order to get some free shipping for some other things I wanted to pick up...
The cigar had great, consistent construction. Not one hard or soft spot throughout. It burned perfectly even the entire way and didn't seem to ever burn too hot or risk going out (except maybe from the long periods between draws occasionally).
The pre-light draw was uneventful. Just slightly tight but nothing worth complaining about. The taste was just a very light tobacco taste.
In my limited opinion, I would call this a stereotypical mild. Reminded me a lot of a 5 Vegas Gold.
Of course, that's not to say it was a bad cigar in any respect. The construction was consistent, the flavor was consistent, and the flavor was a soft and smooth tobacco taste. When I tried blowing it out of my nose (my first cigar to ever try this with - thanks to the thread "Using your nose..." lol) it gave a very slight spicy taste which was altogether very different from the taste I was used to from this cigar. I'm very new to the whole using your nose smoking concept so I can't really rate this cigar from that angle but it was a taste I would like to try again.
My basic conclusion of this cigar is that it is definitely worth its cost, but I doubt it will ever be something I would jones after or jump on if I saw the deal come around again. (Unless I was out
Of course, this is coming from a guy who's "go to mild" is a 5 Vegas Gold, so take my review with a grain of salt because I'm sure a lot of people could disagree with me :-D
Post Script - I realize it is almost 7 PST, but I actually wrote this out on my phone while I was at the B&M and just didn't post it until now :-P
The cigar had great, consistent construction. Not one hard or soft spot throughout. It burned perfectly even the entire way and didn't seem to ever burn too hot or risk going out (except maybe from the long periods between draws occasionally).
The pre-light draw was uneventful. Just slightly tight but nothing worth complaining about. The taste was just a very light tobacco taste.
In my limited opinion, I would call this a stereotypical mild. Reminded me a lot of a 5 Vegas Gold.
Of course, that's not to say it was a bad cigar in any respect. The construction was consistent, the flavor was consistent, and the flavor was a soft and smooth tobacco taste. When I tried blowing it out of my nose (my first cigar to ever try this with - thanks to the thread "Using your nose..." lol) it gave a very slight spicy taste which was altogether very different from the taste I was used to from this cigar. I'm very new to the whole using your nose smoking concept so I can't really rate this cigar from that angle but it was a taste I would like to try again.
My basic conclusion of this cigar is that it is definitely worth its cost, but I doubt it will ever be something I would jones after or jump on if I saw the deal come around again. (Unless I was out
Of course, this is coming from a guy who's "go to mild" is a 5 Vegas Gold, so take my review with a grain of salt because I'm sure a lot of people could disagree with me :-D
Post Script - I realize it is almost 7 PST, but I actually wrote this out on my phone while I was at the B&M and just didn't post it until now :-P
Also I agree with it being sort of a forgettable cigar. But in my opinion this thing sure wasn't bad - and there is a F**K ton more 'gars out there that are waaaaay worse than this puppy. So that's worth something!
Looks like my fave 30 year old Vanson motorcycle jacket, dunnit?
This cigar out puros a puro. All the tobacco in or on it comes from a single plot of land. Aged a year then baled five years before rolling. The wrapper was oily, with an odd feel, tending to stick to my lips. Wrapper had no odor; but tasted real hearty earthy tobacco flavor. Uncapped easily, drew very freely, lit quickly with one match, and boom, out burst thick white clouds of smoke. Again, hearty meaty earthy tobacco flavors. A fine aroma. A mild finish despite how flavorful it was. What's odd is how fast it burnt. Not evenly, but no canoe, no tunnel; just a wavy pattern on the end. We have had rain for several days. It was dribbling outside as I stood in the garage burning this. I just scored it a couple days ago. It came from the Persian Pocket -- not as wet as Otter's Pocket, but still a damp walk in. Nevertheless, it still burnt freely. This would be ab excellent cigar for a rainy day when other sticks might studge up and die. As it was, I never had a worry whether it would go out. In fact, I barely got a scant hour out of it, even puffing patiently down to the nub. And it never turned sour. So this might be a solution to my Dull-Aware rainy day conundrum. The ash was loose, and fell off short again and again. Despite this quick burn and unstable ash, it didn't feel dry or light. I'm not sure why it wants to burn so readily.
It left me with an entrancing stink finger which lasted through this morning, and a hearty morning mouth that's going right well with my coffee now. However, I also woke up with a squeaking wheeze from it.
Three and a half stars. I'll be back and score another one today.
I'm in the garage. It's raining outside again. Once again, it burns perfectly in the dampest conditions. I'm going to drop by the Persian Pocket and pick up all they have. It's the solution to a rainy day smoke.
Four and a half stars.
Look, if any of you BOTLs live in a wet place and have a similar problem with your cigars crapping out in the damp, shoot me a PM and I'll send the first guy a couple to try. Well worth the experiment. Wish I could send to all, but I am having trouble trying to locate more. Everyone seems sold out. I bought the last box from Persian Pocket, and it only had sixteen left. Back ordered there and elsewhere. If I can get more, I'll shoot out more.
It has a good reasonable price.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
The last thing I am is a maduro fan. But BOTL igmembo shot me a Lot 23 maddy the other day when he loaned me a book. Burnt it last night. My word. The wrapper is both salty and sweet. The burn is razor sharp. The ash is snow white, though it falls off darn short. The wrapper complements the leathery filler perfectly. I think it's that touch of salt does the trick. Great to roll in your mouth while smoking.
I would buy a box EXCEPT for the fact that TOWMBO reports this stick delivers the worst morning mouth ever. I myself am quite content with the mm. Looking forward to mixing this with my morning espresso latte right now, in fact. But The One Who Must Be Obeyed must be obeyed. Maybe I'll buy some just to take camping, when she's not around.
Dynamite stick.