Memorial Day plans

I am going camping again Memorial Day and selecting my sticks for the trip. 4 days of relaxation! What is everyone else doing for the Holiday and what would you reccommend for sticks?
It's going to be hell, Memorial Day is worse than Christmas and Black Friday combined for us. The week before fathers day isn't too far behind. But on the plus side, the store director is going to sit out back and barbecue for everyone that has to work that day.
Different vitolas different wrappers.
Keep your pallet guessing.
As for my plans I'm going to be on a 3 week vacation.
I plan on stocking up on single malt.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
Edit: Got my sticks decided upon. My 5 count herf-a-dor will have a 5 Vegas Gold, 5 Vegas Miami, Ccom Brazil, DPG Blue and a Ruination. Pretty even set I think.
Amen on both points...
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
Friday...dinner with family for wifes bday then Piano bar with friends and wifes bday
Sunday...BBQ grill at friends house, drinks, ribs, swimming in his pool, cigars, followed by a poker game at night out to Lake Charles and gamble during the day and head back home in the evening!
Friday- My first trip to the MN Twins new stadium! GO TWINS!!
Saturday- BBQ at home with friends followed by UFC fights
Sunday- Meeting some friends out camping... KIDLESS!!!
Monday- BBQ at my Aunt and Uncles house
Tuesday- Reload the humi..Hopefully.
Now off to a big job interview... Wish me luck! And have a great weekend everyone!
601 Red
Cohiba (ISOM)
Cu-avana Intenso
Cubao #6
DPG Blue
Man O War
MOW Ruination
RP Cuban Blend
5 Vegas Miami
Alec Bradley Sungrown
RP Sungroown