Pairing suggestion help....

I'm drinking Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy tonight..... Any suggestions for a cigar pairing? I have a pretty extensive stock. I lean more towards med-full bodied sticks. I was thinking Liga Privada. I have a T52 a No. 9 and a Flying Pig...... But I'm open to any suggestions. Whoever suggests the stick I smoke, will get a nice prize. I have a couple Natural Dirt Torpedos that I'm giving away.......... The only catch is that you have to post a review of the Natural. ;-)
Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..
A relic would probably be pretty good too..... >.> Just saying
So, PM me your info, Gadwin and I'll get a nice pack out to you soon. Just remember that you owe me a review!
On a side note........ A passage from the book really stuck with me while enjoying my Ruination. Just wanted to share it with the rest of you "Warriors" who enjoy the MOW line.......
"For the mother and father, on the other hand, the seasons are numbered by the births of their children--this one's first step, that one's initial word. By these homely ticks is the calender of the loving parent's life demarcated and set within the book of remembrance.
But for the warrior, the seasons are marked not by these sweet measures nor by the calendered years themselves, but by the battles. Campaigns fought and comrades lost; trials of death survived. Clashes and conflicts from which time effaces all superficial recall, leaving only the fields themselves and their names, which achieve in the warrior's memory a stature ennobled beyond all other modes of commemoration, purchased with the holy coin of blood and paid for with the lives of beloved brothers-in-arms. As the priest with his graphis and tablet of wax, the infantryman, too, has his scription. His history is carved upon his person with the stylus of steel, his alphabet engraved with spear and sword indelibly upon the flesh."
Like I said.... great read, so far.
The lemon flavor is potent. This is a great beer when you are out in the summer heat and sun. Very refreshing - probably goes down a little too smooth for some. Same notes on the Berry Weiss which many people find to be too sweet (I think they are expecting more beer flavor and less berry). The Honey Weiss is less flavored - just a hint of sweetness. Highly recommend the 1888 bock when it is available.