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Need a cheap BBQ smoker

GoldyGoldy Posts: 1,638 ✭✭
I want to try my hand at smoking this summer but I dont want to spend hundreds of bucks getting set up. Are there any cheapish smokers that would give me a good idea whether i like the hobby or not?


  • GoldyGoldy Posts: 1,638 ✭✭
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,560 ✭✭
    I saw a fish fryer, that won't do. Any two tier cooker will work, main thing is you keep the direct heat off the meat and trap the smoke
  • JdoraisJdorais Posts: 652
    I want to try my hand at smoking this summer but I dont want to spend hundreds of bucks getting set up. Are there any cheapish smokers that would give me a good idea whether i like the hobby or not?
    Do you have a charcoal grill of some sort now? If you do, couldn't you adapt it to smoke? IE: Indirect Heat?
  • JdoraisJdorais Posts: 652
    I want to try my hand at smoking this summer but I dont want to spend hundreds of bucks getting set up. Are there any cheapish smokers that would give me a good idea whether i like the hobby or not?
    Do you have a charcoal grill of some sort now? If you do, couldn't you adapt it to smoke? IE: Indirect Heat?
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    I indulge in smoking of a different kind also.
    Check out this site for all you need to know. http://www.smokingmeatforums.com/
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    I want to try my hand at smoking this summer but I dont want to spend hundreds of bucks getting set up. Are there any cheapish smokers that would give me a good idea whether i like the hobby or not?
    Do you have a charcoal grill of some sort now? If you do, couldn't you adapt it to smoke? IE: Indirect Heat?
    Sure can - as long as it has a lid, and you're right on target. Soak the wood chips of your choice for an hour or two, then wrap a handful of them in some tinfoil. Poke some holes in the tinfoil to let the smoke out. Put your hot coals to one side of the grill and put your foil-wrapped wood chips over them, and whatever meat you want to smoke on the other side of the grill. Voila! Lots of delicious smoke, without having to go spend the $$$ for a smoker.

    And remember - low & slow! Meaning the lower the heat & the slower you cook it, the more tender & flavorful it will be when you're done. While the meat is cooking, a monster churchill, double corona, artisan, etc of your choice & your favorite libation, plus some good company to enjoy them with, will help keep you from getting antsy & trying to speed up the cook time. :-D

  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    I indulge in smoking of a different kind also.
    Check out this site for all you need to know. http://www.smokingmeatforums.com/
    Gentlemen, THATS a guy who knows what he's about with a smoker!!! And with an UPRIGHT GAS smoker too - absolute blasphemy!

    Tough to argue with results like that tho. :-D

  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    I highly recommend the Weber Smoky Mountain. I think the 18.5inch is $199 (from amazon). It's a damn good smoker, I can cook for 18hrs and not have to worry about temp too much. Makes overnight cooks very easy. I wouldn't recommend any of those smokers u can get from home depot...or lowes. They are more work than it's worth. Do yourself a favor and get something little nicer, you will be glad you did. you can also check out www.virtualweberbullet.com, which is a site dedicated to cooking with the WSM. I learned everything I know from that site.

    "Long ashes my friends."

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