Great Way to Start the Day

Got a nice shiny new jaywalking ticket this morning. No disrespect to the officers of the law on this forum, but I think cops have higher priorities than jaywalking.
Unbelievable! Please do me a favor - please go to the scheduled court date and have the "arresting" officer explain to you AND the judge exactly how this is worth the salary your taxes are paying the local police. To serve & protect INDEED!
Now he got off work and had to wait several hours to go home because they wouldn't let him in. Now this lasted till like 9pm and for what? It was crap and just a waste. But they showed that we really have no rights and we as the people are in the mercy of braindead police as they seem to not be able to take orders and think at the same time, much like a lot of the soldiers in this country. Yeah I like that we have cops but they have so went outside their creed over the years.
I did see that video and I thought the girl had it coming. She was shoving the cop repeatedly and interfering before she got punched. The punch from the cop was definitely not unprovoked.
Just avoid downtown Seattle. Apparently city hall is running low on funds...
$56, or a box of Nica Libres. The cop mentioned community service in lieu of the fine and I am seriously considering it because I'll be damned if I pay money for this.
Here in Oregon a few months ago( ) a 14 or 13 year old girl was on max (our light rail) with some friends. She was being a bit crazy sort of disorderly. Transit police (i think it was transit) went up to her to arrest her since she was already banned from public transportation and while they were trying to arrest her she hit one of them in the face then they went to work on her, and used a bean bag gun at close range. Now some said she didn't mean to hit him but still, bean bag gun close range? wtf. Now she got busted over it. Now one of the cops chirs humphreys is/has already been involved in a beating that caused the death of a old mentally unstable man. Now this guy is still working with the police, and that's justice. I tell ya the police have way too much power.