Those Damn Liberals and Enviromental People...

So have anybody see a little film called GasLand? It's on HBO on demand and I hear it's on pbs. Anyway it's a documentary about a guy who gets a letter from a local gas company that wants the reserves on his land. Basically they offer him some low amount for each acre of land he owns and it comes out to be about 100,000 or so. Now he goes around to get opinions from other areas which this has already been done. Now this is where it gets horrible, the process that they use to get the gas out, "fracking" is causing contamination of the fresh water streams and the towns and people's water supply. But they deny it and falsify information. Many people can litterly light their water on fire that they get from their wells. People are getting sick and animals are dying and losing their hair and the company says it's because of telephone polls.
"Today, most of the remaining domestic reserves are so-called unconventional deposits trapped in shale, coal and sandstone formations. To free the gas, companies pump chemicals, sand and water into the ground under high pressure to fracture, or frac, the rock formations. Hydraulic fracturing fluids contain a toxic cocktail of petroleum distillatesbenzene, toluene and other carcinogens (the precise recipe is a trade secret). The fractured formations are then dewatered to release the gas.
In one of the driest regions of the country, groundwater is being polluted, pumped to the surface and dumped into holding ponds to evaporate. No other industry could get away with this, but in 2005 Congress exempted gas drillers from provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act by passing the Halliburton loophole, inserted into the law at the request of a former Halliburton executive, then vice president *** Cheney. The 2005 Energy Bill also exempted drillers from storm water runoff provisions of the Clean Water Act. And Congress has provided exemptions from certain provisions of the Clean Air Act, the National Environmental Policy Act and the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Actallowing gas companies to avoid reporting their toxic emissions to the Environmental Protection Agencys (EPA) Toxics Release Inventory. " (exerpt from an article on natural gas)
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I recommend all of you watch this as this is scary stuff. I just happened to stumble on this while on demand, and I'm stunned. Between the stuff that the Oil industry is doing to our oceans and now this we will lose our water and environment and there won't be any turning back. If our water dies we die, and I don't understand why this is allowed to happen. I have to say that while I listen to the BS from the current congress on environmental concerns I want to cry, the republicans are not doing anything but blocking and are totally against the US from protecting itself and its citizens from these companies, and the dems or so varied and weak on coming together to bring something out that will really help this country.
BTW coal, gas, and nuclear is not going to help us, what is going to help us is to bring something new to the table and sadly we, the United States who lead the world most of the 20th century is becoming that guy in the last bunch of losers. And the sad thing is, nothing is being done about it. While we spend trillions of dollars for these mega banks, Wars, and other private companies our country, the US is falling so far behind other countries that we are going to get surpassed. We import so much and export so little. We have a fracturing working class, and our poor are getting larger and larger while the rich get richer and richer. The middle class is almost destroyed and what is there to show for? I mean a small group of elite ruling over the masses? Well I hope that all of us wake up one morning and realize that no matter how much money we have or what type of car we drive that we are going to die, and die in a horrible way. We've abused this planet and ourselves for greed and unfortunately nothing seems to change the minds of those who stand in the way of getting things better.
The republicans don't have any answers except for giving more tax breaks to huge transnational companies and to give them free reign to piliage our country, and the democrats are so divided that they are wasting time and whatever they bring out of commitee is so weak it isn't going to anything. What will it take? The fall of the United States? A world war? What? We just had the biggest environmental disaster in history and it was caused by a group of people who wanted to save a few bucks. We are in the longest war of our HISTORY, we gave Trillions of dollars to BANKS and Wallstreet, our agency which is suppose to regulate our currency is corrupt and handing out trillions of dollars of tax money to corporations without any regulation from congress... the list goes on, oh and our people are being destroyed, while it be due to no work, no home, not enough income; even the family structure has been damaged due to the breaking of wages and jobs. But as long as a few companies can lie and keep getting around laws due to their "donations" then we don't stand a chance. But hey everything that liberals tried to get put in place well all weren't liberals but most were are worth nothing now, and all because of the money and politicians that no longer represent the people that put them there.
"Today, most of the remaining domestic reserves are so-called unconventional deposits trapped in shale, coal and sandstone formations. To free the gas, companies pump chemicals, sand and water into the ground under high pressure to fracture, or frac, the rock formations. Hydraulic fracturing fluids contain a toxic cocktail of petroleum distillatesbenzene, toluene and other carcinogens (the precise recipe is a trade secret). The fractured formations are then dewatered to release the gas.
In one of the driest regions of the country, groundwater is being polluted, pumped to the surface and dumped into holding ponds to evaporate. No other industry could get away with this, but in 2005 Congress exempted gas drillers from provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act by passing the Halliburton loophole, inserted into the law at the request of a former Halliburton executive, then vice president *** Cheney. The 2005 Energy Bill also exempted drillers from storm water runoff provisions of the Clean Water Act. And Congress has provided exemptions from certain provisions of the Clean Air Act, the National Environmental Policy Act and the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Actallowing gas companies to avoid reporting their toxic emissions to the Environmental Protection Agencys (EPA) Toxics Release Inventory. " (exerpt from an article on natural gas)
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I recommend all of you watch this as this is scary stuff. I just happened to stumble on this while on demand, and I'm stunned. Between the stuff that the Oil industry is doing to our oceans and now this we will lose our water and environment and there won't be any turning back. If our water dies we die, and I don't understand why this is allowed to happen. I have to say that while I listen to the BS from the current congress on environmental concerns I want to cry, the republicans are not doing anything but blocking and are totally against the US from protecting itself and its citizens from these companies, and the dems or so varied and weak on coming together to bring something out that will really help this country.
BTW coal, gas, and nuclear is not going to help us, what is going to help us is to bring something new to the table and sadly we, the United States who lead the world most of the 20th century is becoming that guy in the last bunch of losers. And the sad thing is, nothing is being done about it. While we spend trillions of dollars for these mega banks, Wars, and other private companies our country, the US is falling so far behind other countries that we are going to get surpassed. We import so much and export so little. We have a fracturing working class, and our poor are getting larger and larger while the rich get richer and richer. The middle class is almost destroyed and what is there to show for? I mean a small group of elite ruling over the masses? Well I hope that all of us wake up one morning and realize that no matter how much money we have or what type of car we drive that we are going to die, and die in a horrible way. We've abused this planet and ourselves for greed and unfortunately nothing seems to change the minds of those who stand in the way of getting things better.
The republicans don't have any answers except for giving more tax breaks to huge transnational companies and to give them free reign to piliage our country, and the democrats are so divided that they are wasting time and whatever they bring out of commitee is so weak it isn't going to anything. What will it take? The fall of the United States? A world war? What? We just had the biggest environmental disaster in history and it was caused by a group of people who wanted to save a few bucks. We are in the longest war of our HISTORY, we gave Trillions of dollars to BANKS and Wallstreet, our agency which is suppose to regulate our currency is corrupt and handing out trillions of dollars of tax money to corporations without any regulation from congress... the list goes on, oh and our people are being destroyed, while it be due to no work, no home, not enough income; even the family structure has been damaged due to the breaking of wages and jobs. But as long as a few companies can lie and keep getting around laws due to their "donations" then we don't stand a chance. But hey everything that liberals tried to get put in place well all weren't liberals but most were are worth nothing now, and all because of the money and politicians that no longer represent the people that put them there.
Now, this does not necessarily mean that I think BP is a bunch of incompetent hacks who have royally screwed my people because of their retardation, but at least they're throwing billions of dollars at fixing the problem and paying off local fishermen. The federal government has done nothing but a) impede the louisiana government's cleanup efforts, and b) put a moratorium on drilling, killing thousands more gulf coast jobs. Congrats guys. How about you put a higher tax on my cigars so you can create another **** government agency to *** up everything.
Fracking is an actual process used and if you watch the documentary you might learn something. So instead of calling it BS maybe you should read what I put up, and maybe watch the show and then fact check it. Besides that Bill does do what is said in the article. And you do realize that any lawsuits that are brought against any large company like say the oil company lasts decades, look at the exxon spill in Alaska.
i can link you if you want but its common knowledge so i dont feel the need.
we have plenty of conventional oil left. there are oil fields in the dakodas, texas, the gulf of mexico, off of both the at lantic and pacific shores, etc...
we just arent able to drill for them due to government restrictions on where you can drill.
i am all for a clean environment, and new renewable energy, and i dont want bad things to come from any drilling, mining, etc. there is a place for capitalism and freedom while still respecting the environment. the oil companies dont need to be attacked anymore than they are. oil needs to be made obsolete.
there is also a way to do that without putting thousands, if not millions, out of work.
i actually have no problem with people trying to get the environment clean. i want a clean environment. i just have a problem with the methodology used a good deal of the time. there are better ways to do it that dont violate rights, cost jobs, raise taxes, and otherwise piss people off.
and thats just oil.
but generally speaking we are getting better at preventing oil spills according to THIS
outside of oil, ever hear of Chernobyl?
yes our current oil spill is bad, but it is not the worst ever. its not even the worst in the last 30 years (...yet. lets hope it doesnt get that bad)
Second, you refuse to cite to a reputable source, instead relying on hearsay and political websites for their source of information. Guess what? The NWF is a political organization with a certain ideology - they've got an agenda to advance, so they aren't disinterested. You can't point to a reputable newspaper or journalism source, and your entire frenzy in this matter is driven by a single unreputable source. Your complete moral righteousness is so out of control that it's astounding. You're actually crediting liberals with saving the envirnoment, the water, and the atmosphere, and pinning all the blame on republicans? Are you daft?! Do you really think the world is so black and white, with heroes and villians drawn along political lines? Do you really think that liberals are in favor of saving the world and conservatives are in favor of destroying it?
If so, Pheebs, you really need to get away from these articles - your view of the world is like a comic book from the 50's - good guys vs. bad guys, libs vs consv's, good vs evil. Think for yourself a little, instead of just having a knee-jerk reaction that anyone who disagrees with you must be "one of those evil rethuglicans who want to wreck the world and make money" Until then, you really are just a very angry, boorish squirrel
I never denied that fracking is an actual process, so stop putting words in my mouth - I'm doubting that your article is accurate is regards to the rest of the story. Cite a source that doesn't count as a donor or affiliate, and I'll be inclined to believe you
So me and hydro-fracking cleaned up a nice little part of the environment. I'm an independent with strong republican leanings. Not sure about the political leanings of the hydro-frac equipment.
If people are so concerned and pissed about environmental and energy issues, I suggest they put down the picket signs, go to school to become a scientist or engineer and actually do something to HELP rather than just B.ITCH.
up to 2.5 million gallons a day. x that by how many days even if it's off by a million.
Yes chenobyl was horrible however both are hard to really go head to head.
also, 100% of all hunting license fees (at least in ohio) go to wildlife preservation.
i wouldnt think you were making that one up, just another link would be great. i had yet to see that number. also, is that before or after the cap?
Legislation should not be an effort to fix a disastererous situation, but an acknowledgement of a independently achieved solution.