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What is the best way to prevent sickness after a cigar other than "maning up"?


  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭
    Kinda depends. Best school of thought is have some food in your stomach, fuller cigars such as man o war oy joya de Nicaragua are best after a good meal. Some of the lighter ones you can do on an empty stomach. Smoke slowly and if all else fails a trick if you're feeling woozy and sick, put a teaspoon of sugar on the back of your tongue.
  • Duder2Duder2 Posts: 926
    Make sure you're well hydrated, eat a meal first, smoke slowly, and smoke often to build up tolerance. Or just man the eff up! ;^)

    edit: looks like Jet just barely beat me to it :^)
  • rossdavey2rossdavey2 Posts: 979
    I drink something while I smoke, Dr pepper, coffee, or choco milk.

    I have a real good tolerance, but the last few weeks I've found the 98+ heat has made me into a little girl again. I think its because the lack of water. So now for the first half or so I go through a glass of water then go in and make the coffee or grab a can of Dr P.
  • Big T smokesBig T smokes Posts: 211
    Smoke milds-- I made the mistake of starting off with a medium-full taster pack because I figured, "Hey, if I'm going to smoke I want the full experience." I bought some Ashton 8-9-8s and they are an absolutely delicious mild. There's lot's of great ones including Cigars.com mild taster pack.

    Also, Smoke about a puff a minute or even a puff every two minutes. I noticed when I hung around my B&M one day and noticed that all of the older gentleman smokers, EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM, takes a puff and relaxes with his cigar. They don't speed smoke they just relax, take a puff every once in a blue moon, and just chill out.

    Another suggestion might be to not smoke too far down with the cigar. Many people feel, "Hey, I paid decent money for this thing I'm going to finish it. You don't have to burn it down to the tip. Niccotine and tar store up more closer to where you drag on the cigar, so as that stuff starts to burn you can get yourself quite sick if you take too many of those puffs in. Once your cigar starts tasting too harsh, just chuck it out.

  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Make sure you're well hydrated, eat a meal first, smoke slowly, and smoke often to build up tolerance. Or just man the eff up! ;^)

    edit: looks like Jet just barely beat me to it :^)
    i always eat and drink before i smoke. if i dont then end up smoking a LFD DL then i wont enjoy the aftermath.
  • camgfscamgfs Posts: 968
    Not mentioned yet:
    Don't inhale the smoke. Puff like you're trying to drink from a straw so that you don't get any of the smoke into your lungs. Make sure to blow all of the smoke out before inhaling.

  • illinoisgolf99illinoisgolf99 Posts: 1,507
    I agree with everything thats been said, just take your time and savor the cigar, they arent meant to be smoked fast. Don't inhale, thats been said. Build up a tolerance and make sure to stay hydrated and eat before you smoke. Even mild-medium bodied cigars can get you on an empty stomach. Stick around, there a lot of great guys and tons of info here
  • Russ55Russ55 Posts: 2,765 ✭✭
    What is the best way to prevent sickness after a cigar other than "maning up"?
    The best way to prevent it is to not smoke cigars you aren't ready for. As someone already touched on, start mild. Work your way up. Your palate will change as you go and be sort of a guide.
  • gio164gio164 Posts: 180
    Sugar! Drink something sweet while smoking or when you first start feeling sick. It was in an article in C.A. a while back.
  • jsnakejsnake Posts: 5,979 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sugar! Drink something sweet while smoking or when you first start feeling sick. It was in an article in C.A. a while back.
    Yeah, someone told me to grab a soda right after if you are starting to feel nicotine sick - shakes, sweats, upset stomach.
  • interpiminterpim Posts: 146
    I guess since I smoke cigarettes it saved me when I accidentally inhaled a CAO LX2 which was my first cigar... it choked me up for a minute, but I haven't gotten close to being sick yet.
  • well consider yourself lucky. My poor buddy got sick after eating a huge burger and fries meal. I warned him not to smoke after he ate because thats how i learned. but at least he felt better after he puked. so thank you everyone for all the advice. it has definatly helped improve my cigar experience!
  • vegassparkyvegassparky Posts: 365
    read this post and didnt think much....until i walked outside to have a smoke yesterday. it was 109 out. i sat in the shade thanking i would be ok. man i felt like crap after smoking 2/3 of a man o' war. heat kills im telling you.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    stay hydrated too. never hurts even not in the cigar world.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    Eat a big meal and don't smoke something that's under fermented.

    "Long ashes my friends."

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