For those who still pen and paper...
Found this gem while catching up on Web Comics, I would also highly suggest any current/former D&D or any D20 player go check out DM of the Rings as it's just the funniest "parody?" of the LoTR trilogy, using stills and played like a D&D adventure. Also I was thinking this could be a forum to share some of the "horror" stories of stupid players, funny moments, or down right times that you were sure your DM was ready to say "Rocks fall everyone dies!" kind of moments.
Just google search DM of the rings should link a for the entire web comic.
Found this gem while catching up on Web Comics, I would also highly suggest any current/former D&D or any D20 player go check out DM of the Rings as it's just the funniest "parody?" of the LoTR trilogy, using stills and played like a D&D adventure. Also I was thinking this could be a forum to share some of the "horror" stories of stupid players, funny moments, or down right times that you were sure your DM was ready to say "Rocks fall everyone dies!" kind of moments.
Just google search DM of the rings should link a for the entire web comic.
First, if you're an RPG'er you need to be reading the Order of the Stick at You won't be disappointed.
My DM was never content with just "Rocks fall, you die" or "You encounter a Terrasque...", oh no. He got bored of DM'ing and would want to do something "wild and crazy" and so would throw at us a huge "twist". Only the twists were dumb, frustrating and nobody wanted to go with them. The main one I can remember is we were running a Forgotten Realms Campaign and we were going after a beholder lich (I think it was based off a standard module, actually). After months of dungeon crawling to get to the culmination of the quest we finally encounter the beholder. First round, what's the DM do? Dimesion Gate's the entire part (made up ability). The best part is where he gated us to.
Germany, during WWII
To our credit we gave it about an hour or two to see how it played out. Who would've guessed that a part of mostly sword and bow users wouldn't fare well against guns.