Home Trades, Passes and Bombs

So I was blown away.

Yeah, so after a very hard week at work with pretty much anything that could go wrong going wrong I was really down today. I walk up to my front door and see a box. This box had my name on it, and I hadn't ordered anything this week so my interest in said box was growing. I go inside and open it only to have my face and upper body blown away. A massive Karma bomb from a bunch of guys here.
Over 80 sticks, some I love, some I have never had, not a one I have tried and not liked.

You guys got me good. I don't know how to thank you for it. Below are some pics. I need to find a home for all my lovely sticks. Thank you to each of you. I would love for you to let me know if you were in on it. Some bags had names others didn't

Thanks again you guys are awesome.

imagebomb2com/albums/ac79/rossdavey2/DSCF2731.jpg" border="0" alt="bomb1">


  • robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    WOO HOO! What a haul!!! I think most of us were in on it... so, where is the herf gonna be?
  • Russ55Russ55 Posts: 2,765 ✭✭
    Wow, that's awesome. Hope you have lots of room.
  • rossdavey2rossdavey2 Posts: 979
    WOO HOO! What a haul!!! I think most of us were in on it... so, where is the herf gonna be?

    Who ever can make it down to GA and is will to herf I'm in.
    I just got a coolidor up and running to fit a few boxes. It's full now. Good job it was ready to go.
  • sightunseensightunseen Posts: 2,130 ✭✭
    Man, I totally forgot about this, as in, I sent the sticks to Glen and forgot that this was going to happen. Enjoy the sticks, man.
  • zeebrazeebra Posts: 3,174 ✭✭✭
    Nice! Glad you got hit!
  • cholmes8310cholmes8310 Posts: 1,585
    Fourtotheflush and I threw something in there for ya. Virtue/AJ/Perdomo and a few others. It's in the top pic. Glad you got em and nice haul!
  • jsnakejsnake Posts: 5,979 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nice hit guys! Hope you enjoy the sticks.
  • undulacundulac Posts: 1,129
    Hey, some of those look familiar. ha ha! You've done a lot around here and was well worth it. Glen did a great job putting this together.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    Glad they made it safe & sound Ross. As the note said, a lot of the guys here really admired how you stepped up to take care of Ozzie when life blew up in his face. That would have been impressive enough, but the fact that you were so new to the boards just made it unbelievable. Your actions reflect the best traditions of the CCom BOTL's & deserved to be recognized in the traditional manner when one of our own stands tall - by getting your @ss bombed off. LOL :-D

    Will do my best to get a list up on this thread of all the BOTL who contributed sticks to the Karma Bomb. Might not be RIGHT away as I am leaving town for a funeral this weekend, but will get on it as soon as I can.

    Congrats again Ross, and thanks to all who contributed to hooking up the msot deserving BOTL I have seen here in quite some time.
  • GoldyGoldy Posts: 1,638 ✭✭
    Nice little package you got there
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    That's awesome brother! Very well deserving! Wish I had known and I would have kicked in some sticks myself. Congrats!
  • ljlljl Posts: 819
    Thought it was great what you did for the Oz. Couldn't wait to get in on the action when I heard about it. Enjoy - well deserved.
  • coachjamiecoachjamie Posts: 337
    Very nice hit! wish I had known it was going on, I would have threw in a couple also!
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    Very nice hit, good variety too! Sorry I didn't get in on this, but it's been kinda crazy with the new baby and all.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • sirfoster83sirfoster83 Posts: 783
    Its karma brother. You deserved it. Who knew karma could be a good thing!

    For you not the destroyed mailbox that is!
  • very nice....i wasnt in on it, recently joined the forum, but hope to participate in future ones. enjoy the sticks and the 4th
  • Renaissance_ManRenaissance_Man Posts: 973 ✭✭
    Awesome! I'm glad it all exploded finallY!
  • Duder2Duder2 Posts: 926
    Nice! Glad we could all help bring a happy end to what sounds like a rough week :^)
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    If anyone wants who missed the chace to get in on this wants to hit Ross in the butt with a mini bomb, shoot me a PM - I know someone who has his address. :-D
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