My Worst Bar Experiance to Date (other than being drunk)

This evening after work a buddy and I made our way over to this "sort of" hick bar that he's been talking about for some time now. Well we were all set for some pool when I brought out a gurkha beauty and started to light it. Just then our drinks came and I was asked to put my cigar out. Not to get into it too much (as I'm sure you all feel the same way) I told the guy that I had just lit it and if he wanted me to put it out then he owed me 23 bucks since I would basically be wasting the cigar. He said that it is bar policy, I asked him, where are the signs, and to show me a law! Well after he stopped jaw jacking, a woman came up to us and told the guy to back off and that she liked the smell and it was much better than the cigs! Well thankfully the guy backed off and I got to enjoy my cigar! Well I had ordered my favorite drink, an AMF and the bar-keep had made it wrong. I made my way up to the bar and told him that I would like him to re-make it. He was firm on how he made it was right, but when I told him how to make it, he looked at me like I was full of it. I asked him for another drink in it's place and he said that since I already drank some of it, I would have to pay for it. This really wasn't cool, in fact it took a lot not to pop him! Luckily a customer pitched in and the bartender caved. Well this time I ordered a margarita, thinking how can you screw this up?! Well after about 15 minutes it arrived and once again the drink was made wrong. I again went up to the bar and told the bartender that this was just unacceptable. So after getting the eye from hell he said, "well we just don't make mixed drinks around here". Now I would think if your going to charge someone for a drink, don't you think you should know how to make it? I mean that just seems logical. Well without arguing I just got a black Butte Porter, well 2 since they were basically the cost of the mixed drinks. So not only was my time hanging out with my friend a fiasco, I had ran back and forth to the bar so much arguing with the bartender that my cigar had just lost it's appeal. I mean I really wanted to just relax, smoke, drink, and shoot pool. After my 2nd beer we took off. It made me think about all the bars I've been too, and how this place was by far the worst. I mean even red robin can make a decent margarita and give you good service, though they don't let you smoke cigars. I swear I cannot for the life of me find a good bar who will not bust my balls over cigars. Anyway hope you enjoyed reading about my adventure :-(
Not familiar with the AMF, but I have about a half dozen different recipes for margaritas that I will make, and they are quite different from each other. Chain bartenders are forced into making basic margaritas either from a pre-mix or from a combo of Rose's lime and Sour Mix (which is actually quite tasty). They'll naturally use the well liquors unless special requests are made, or they have a highlighted drink on the menu.
IMO, it's the responsibility of the patron to be clear in what they are requesting. If you ask for something, you accept the way it is made at that establishment, or you describe exactly what you want. Every place has an easy way of pricing a custom drink out for a patron, and it doesn't normally cost anything extra. Another good example is the Mai Tai. I seriously have over 50 variations of a Mai Tai that I will make. Although they are actually 4-6 variations (based on the liquors used) of 16 unique and very diverse base recipes.
Also, a bit of advice... if you've had a confrontation with the staff, it's usually best to stick to bottled drinks from that point on, and not order any food. You have no idea what you'll get in any kind of mixed drink after that, and the food, well......
I've only been in one argument with a bartender and it was over skunked beer. Yuengling is one of my favorite beers but it skunks very easily and I had a bar keep give me one that was horrendously skunked and he tried to argue with me over it for a few minutes until someone else walked up with one and said his was skunked to the guy got all pissy walked off and sent another bartender over to give us another beer.
Oh well, we made it out without my dad NOT getting into a fight with the bartender and I will NEVER go there again.
Margaritas on the other hand, you never know what you're gonna get. I had a bartended at an event tell me they "don't make margaritas" like it was policy. So I ordered a tequilla sour with a splash of triple sec and some lime juice. Then said "Congrats, you just made a margarita".
vankleekkw, I agree. Consistency between bartenders is important if a place wants to keep customers, especially on the signature drink.
The sour mix margarita is so prevalent that if you were to actually mix a proper margarita, most customers would hand it back to you and tell you to start over.
but thats just me.
I also don't normally smoke super-pricey sticks away from home. And I never smoke an ultra-premium in the company of friends unless I've got enough to share with those who would be interested. I try to find the right moment to relax, usually in peace and quiet, and enjoy the experience of a high end cigar. A bar just doesn't accomplish that for me.
Then RUN like a mother...
Look the bartender straight in the eye and then proceed to put out the cigar on your nipple without flinching... then smoothly lighting up another one and then biting the glass the crappy drink came in and eating some glass...
Then ask him to repeat himself cuz your ears have an ACE-Hole filter...
Yeah... that'd be awesome.... totally