I've read one or two of his books. He's a great writer, but I kinda get tired of all the fantasy nerds that copy his work for fan fiction and roleplaying games. Hell, I even knew one girl that failed Spanish in high school, so she started learning Drow.
I read a lot of his stuff when I was a teenager, but as I've gotten older have grown to dislike the genre. I liked the stories then, but looking back now I think they and his writing were rather weak. I haven't read anything he's written in the last 15 years though. I've thought about trying out some of his newer stuff, but I don't know if I will. So I guess I'd say I'm familiar with him, but not a fan.
I really enjoy his writing and especially his character development. To be frank though, I haven't read any of his newer stuff. I saw at the library Drizzt is back in a new trilogy; however I don't remember the title.
Ive read the 1st three. And although Im a fan of the Genre, I find his writing a bit sophmoric. His plots are very straightforward and simple. Given that I do get lost in his books. Im pretty much done with him though..... Totally enjoyed Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale VG though.
Totally enjoyed Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale VG though.
HELLS yes! Baldur's Gate was a phenomenal set of games!
Hell, I still play at a NWN PW, and still own both Baldur's I and II
Dude, me and my girlfriend just beat Baldur's Gate I & II back to back and are going back through Baldur's Gate I on Extreme mode!! It's so much more fun with 2 people!!
I read most of the Drizzt books, and they had alot to do with getting me into the genre. I found myself opposed to coming back to them after I got exposed to some other authors and writing styles, though. They're an enjoyable read for sure, but I found that I preferred my high fantasy gritty, complicated and dark (George R. R. Martin, Robert Jordan, Erik Stevenson) and my light fantasy very light (Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett, etc). Salvatore was a good mix though, with light moments and some dark moments, but overall things were straightforward.
I think some of my interrest also waned when I started doing pen and paper (2nd Edition) and a very good friend of mine was just dark elf and Salvatore crazy.
Salvatore is probably the main author responsible for getting me into reading the fantasy genre. Between Drizzt and the Baldur's Gate games, I was hooked (found them both around the same time). I kept up with Drizzt through the Hunter's Blades trilogy but haven't picked up the newest one yet.
Not to derail, but as a side comment, if anyone is interested in a new fantasy author, look up Brent Weeks and his Night Angel trilogy. The covers are a bit... enh, but the writing is top notch. He is kind of a blend of gritty and a little light like Salvatore, but leans more towards the grit with intricate plot lines.
I guess I was very late on the scene to discover his books. I played EQ for awhile back in college and couldn't figure out the obsession people had with dark elves. Then several years later I read the Icewind Dale trilogy and it all then became apparent. I think the strongest points about his books were the character development, and the message.
I guess I was very late on the scene to discover his books. I played EQ for awhile back in college and couldn't figure out the obsession people had with dark elves. Then several years later I read the Icewind Dale trilogy and it all then became apparent. I think the strongest points about his books were the character development, and the message.
Fun Fact (that you probably already new): Salvatore himself was a big fan of EQ and had multiple characters (Povar server) he would play.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
I think some of my interrest also waned when I started doing pen and paper (2nd Edition) and a very good friend of mine was just dark elf and Salvatore crazy.
Not to derail, but as a side comment, if anyone is interested in a new fantasy author, look up Brent Weeks and his Night Angel trilogy. The covers are a bit... enh, but the writing is top notch. He is kind of a blend of gritty and a little light like Salvatore, but leans more towards the grit with intricate plot lines.
Fun Fact (that you probably already new): Salvatore himself was a big fan of EQ and had multiple characters (Povar server) he would play.