now you dont see this everyday

i was at work this morning, waiting to get the last api for the fuel system,im sitting on some steps at the fuel rack.
sun just coming up,when i felt what i thought was cat rubbing around my leg.
looked over and what to my surprise it was a skunk,making some weird noise like a cats purr, i almost jump the hell up and ran,but i kept cool and waited to see what the lil' **** was up to.
it wanted me to pet it and out of fear of getting sprayed i did, it was hanging around for about 20 mins.
once the sun hit the area it started to walk away but every so often come back for a last petting,once i knew it was gone i got my readings jump in the truck and hauled ass back to the panel room,
that was the closest i have been to a skunk, hopefully my last,lil *** freaked me out,
thats my saturday morning
sun just coming up,when i felt what i thought was cat rubbing around my leg.
looked over and what to my surprise it was a skunk,making some weird noise like a cats purr, i almost jump the hell up and ran,but i kept cool and waited to see what the lil' **** was up to.
it wanted me to pet it and out of fear of getting sprayed i did, it was hanging around for about 20 mins.
once the sun hit the area it started to walk away but every so often come back for a last petting,once i knew it was gone i got my readings jump in the truck and hauled ass back to the panel room,
that was the closest i have been to a skunk, hopefully my last,lil *** freaked me out,
thats my saturday morning
Ps I wouldn't recommend anyone treating an opossum as anything but a threat. I think his daughter found this one as a baby. I wouldn't touch one with a 10ft pole lol.
But when I first moved down to FL, I saw one out during the day and freaked out - I was about to run inside so I could get my gun and shoot it, when a friend told me that skunks are always out during the day down here, that it's normal. Really weird IMO.
Rocky was pretty old at the time. It was 5 or 6 years since I worked there. Wonder if the little guy is still around......
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨